Orange County NC Website
Available County Funding <br />1997 Voter A roved Bonds $1,000,000 <br />2001 Voter A roved Bonds $2,000,000 <br />Total County Funding Available $3,000,000 <br />County Allocations to Project <br />Soccer fields adjoining Scroggs Elementary School <br />a roved b BOCC in prior fiscal ears) <br />$105,000 <br />Concept plan and associated costs (approved by <br />BOCC in rior hscal ears <br />$100,000 <br />Preparation of construction drawings for the Special <br />Use Permit (action requested by this budget <br />amendment <br /> <br />$140,000 <br />Total County Allocations to Date $345,000 <br />emam ng ounty un s Avai a e or out ern <br />Community Park <br />$2,655,000 <br />Non-Departmental <br />3. The County's original 2002-03 budget included a "reserve fund" totaling $300,000 to be used as <br />a funding "safety net" to cover some of the State budget cuts that County departments may <br />experience. To date, the Board has allocated $68,235 from this reserve. This allocation <br />included $61,735 for DSS client emergency energy assistance needs; $5,000 for the Orange <br />Chatham Alternative Sentencing Program; and $1,500 the County's required match for Volunteer <br />Families for Children agency. Other County departments have identified $98,389 in funds <br />needed to offset State budget cuts. The chart below outlines those identified needs: <br /> $ Impact on <br />Department Description 2002-03 <br /> Bud et <br /> Local DSS Administration -offsets costs of public <br />DSS assistance pro rams $15,000 <br /> Sub-Total DSS $15,000 <br /> State Management Services for Children and Adults <br /> - decrease in Medicaid reimbursment rate $45,000 <br /> State Aid to Counties -offsets overall <br /> de artmental costs $8,740 <br /> Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) - <br />Health funding for "Out of Wedlock Births" program <br /> eliminated $10,000 <br /> Health Promotions -pro ram fundin reduced $2,500 <br /> Increase in lab rates (for pap smears) charged <br /> b State $4,500 <br /> Sub-Total Health $70,740 <br />Department on <br />in "Friend to Friend" pro ram $3,000 <br />Libra Further reduction in State Aid to Libraries $9,649 <br />Total Needs Identified $98,389 <br />