Agenda - 09-20-2005-6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-20-2005
Agenda - 09-20-2005-6a
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9/2/2008 3:56:19 AM
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8/29/2008 10:45:06 AM
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Minutes - 20050920
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
RES-2005-071 Comments to TAC or DCHC MPO on transportation priorities list for 2007-2013 improvement program
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2005
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ATTACHMENT 2 <br />8 <br />Purpose and Goal <br />The Durham-Chapel Hill-Casboro (DCHC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is <br />committed to a balanced transportation system within the urban area and the region that facilitates <br />safe and efficient movement of people and goods, This balanced transportation system will provide <br />opportunities for greater use of alternative modes of transportation, including public transportation, <br />bicycling, and pedestrian movement. Transportation Demand Management programs and land use <br />policies that reduce use of single occupant vehicles and promote transportation choices axe also <br />important elements of this regional transportation policy. the Trans ortadon Advisory <br />In the past, the governing board of the DCHC MPO, P <br />Committee, has stated a goal fox the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP): <br />"Maintain and improve the quality of metropolitan azea transportation systems while <br />striving to have a safe, efficient and balanced transportation system.. Balanced <br />transportation promotes mobility, integration of land use, and min;mi~es negative <br />impacts on the environment." <br />The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a seven-year funding document foz <br />highway, public transportation, bicycle, pedestrian, and rail projects. Projects must be in the TIP in <br />order to receive State or federal funding, Every two years, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Caxrboro <br />(DC;HC) Metropolitan Planning Orgamzadon (MPO) works with local citizens, govermnent <br />officials, elected officials, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation to develop a <br />Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) that is eventually adopted as part of <br />the State Transportation Improvement Prograrn (STIP). To begin die TIP development process, <br />the MPO develops a Regional Priority List to communicate the MPO's project priorities to the <br />NCDOT. <br />Development of Regional Priority List <br />The development of the Regional Priority List has several principal steps: <br />1, The DCHC MPO Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) will review the currently <br />adopted methodology fox ranking transportation projects, and make changes, as desired, <br />2. Local governments and transit systems develop a list of local transportation priorities <br />based on a comparison of local needs and the projects that axe akeady funded in the <br />preceding Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).. <br />3 The MPO consolidates the local lists into a single regional list and uses the currently <br />adopted methodology for ranking the projects in the regional list, <br />4, The MPO conducts a 21-day public involvement process that includes publishing the <br />regional priority list (which has the projects ranked by the ranking methodology), <br />conducting a public hearing (scheduled for August 10, 2005), and providing ample <br />oppormnides for the public to provide comments.. <br />5. The TAC. makes the fmal changes to dhe Regional Priority List, and the List is officially <br />provided to the NCDOT. <br />
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