Orange County NC Website
30 <br />DEPARTMEDMSION OF PUBL~~IC K ALTHSERYICES <br />CERTIFICATION REGARDING ENVIRONMEN'I'ALTOBACCO SMOKE <br />Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans and Cooperative Agreements <br />Public Law ] 03-227, Part C-Environmental Tobacco ortioneoflan indoor fachli owned or leasced or 994 <br />y ~' <br />(Act), requires that smoking not be permitted in any p care, education, <br />contracted for by an ent;t~an under the agelof l 8 e futhelservi es are funded by Federal programs either <br />or library services to ch <br />duectly or throu8.h State or local ges a r~ ded~in pri ate rlegsidencesnfacil tiesnfunded so ely by Medicare or <br />does not apply to children s serve p <br />Medicaid funds, and f tohrte law maacresult in thef impositiontof acivilamonetary penalty of~up to S1 000.00 <br />with the provisions o y <br />per day and/or the imposition of an administrative compliance order on the responsible entity. <br />By signing and submicin~e~Contracto rfurther agreescthat twill require thellangua'ge of this certification <br />requirements of the A <br />be included in any subawards that contain provisions for children's services and that all subgrantees sha <br />certify accordingly. ' <br />Signature <br />Agency/Organization <br />Title <br />Date <br />(Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) <br />