Agenda - 04-01-2003-8f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-01-2003
Agenda - 04-01-2003-8f
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8/29/2008 4:49:57 PM
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8/29/2008 10:45:04 AM
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2003 S Health - Consolidated Agreement with State of NC
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
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I~ <br />Consolidated Ageement -Final <br />Page 14 of 21 <br />health departments per HIPAA [the Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health <br />Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-91) subparts I through N, <br />which define the standards for specific transactions.] <br />13. The State shall use data reviewed and received responsibly in its role as a public health <br />authority and health oversight agency while respecting the confidentiality and integrity of <br />the data and securing and protecting the privacy of individual client health information <br />(see Business Associate Addendum to this Consolidated Agreement). <br />14. The State shall provide to the Department "Estimates of Funding Allocations" no later <br />than February 15 of each year to use in preparation of their local budget proposals per <br />current GS. <br />15.1 The State (DENR-DEH) shall provide to the Department the "Budget Form" (DENR <br />2948) indicating the estimated funding allocations no later than March 30th of each <br />year to use in the preparation of their local budget proposals per current GS. <br />15.3 The State (DENR-DEH) shall provide a final Budget Form to the Department after <br />receipt of the Certified State Budget. <br />15.3 The State (DENR-DEH) shall provide funds monthly to the Department upon receipt <br />of the executed Budget Forms, Addenda and timely submissions of monthly <br />expenditure reports. Payments will be made to the Department according to <br />expenditures reflected on the monthly expenditure reports. <br />16. The State shall provide a "Funding Authorization" to the Department after the receipt of <br />the Certified State Budget. Funds must be appropriately budgeted by the State in the NC <br />Accounting System INCAS) prior to the issuance of the "Funding Authorization." <br />17. The State shall provide funds to the Department upon receipt of this executed agreement <br />and timely submissions of expenditure reports. Payment will be made to the Department <br />according to the DHHS Controller's Office Steps-Out Schedule issued December of each <br />year for the following calendar year. <br />18. The State shall assist the Department to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and <br />standards relating to the activities covered in this agreement. <br />19. The State reserves the right to conduct reviews, audits, and program monitoring to <br />determine compliance with the terms of this Agreement and its associated Agreement <br />Addenda. <br />20. The State shall be assured that the Department maintains expenditures of locally <br />appropriated funds (MOE) for maternal health, child health, and family planning program <br />activities equal to, or greater than, that reported on the Staff Time Activity Report for the <br />period beginning July 1, 1984, and ending June 30, 1985. This figure will be increased <br />annually based on a federally accepted inflation index (first updated FY 2000-2001 <br />Agreement.) This revised baseline figure will be calculated and provided to Departments <br />for use in budget preparation. This MOE shall be measured by salary equivalencies that <br />are to be maintained in accordance with Section B. 8 of this agreement. <br />
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