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9 <br />IES will follow the internationally recognised methods for collecting data, calculating <br />GHG emissions, and projecting future GHG emissions outlined in the CCP Protocol. If <br />pieces of data aze unavailable, IES will use established methods of data simulation to <br />ensure the project is not delayed,. <br />At this point in the project the AQAC will receive an interim report outlining the GHG <br />inventory and forecasting results and analysis. A period of at least :30 days will be allotted <br />to provide participants time to review this interim report. All transportation-related tasks <br />and components will be reported separately to satisfy the requirements of the Durham- <br />Chapel Hill-Cazrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization funding. <br />P/case 3 - Detera:ine and Quantify Historic and Existing Measures <br />This phase of the project will involve reviewing the historic and existing GHG reduction <br />measures the local goverrunents have already put in place.. Information about each of the <br />projects (i.e. municipal building retrofit or community home audits) will be gathered and <br />compiled by IES via the Joint Staff Committee members. With this information, IES will <br />utilize the CCP sofhvare and Protocol to quantify the GHG reduction impact of the <br />measures. Once the review is complete IES will report the findings back to the Joint <br />Staff Committee and AQAC members.. Again, transportation-related reports will be <br />tracked separately to satisfy funding requirements. <br />Please 4 -Identify Potential New Measures <br />Phase four of the project will identify potential new measures to be included in the Local <br />Action Plan. The inventory and forecast completed in phase two will provide a basis <br />from which to identify target GHG emission reduction areas/sectors. Additionally, the <br />analysis ofhistoric and current measures will reveal the GHG emission reductions <br />accrued in each azea/sector. With this information at hand, the AQAC (and Joint Staff <br />Committee) will be gathered to brainstorm a list of potential new measures (or expansion <br />of current measures) that could be implemented to help reduce GHG emissions. IES will <br />feed this process by providing information about best practices within the ICLEI and <br />CCP network, <br />IES will then take this list of potential new measures (including strategies outlined in the <br />2025 LRTP) and determine the potential GHG reductions, energy savings and cost <br />savings of each measure utilising the CCP Software and Protocol (transportation <br />measures will be reported independently). <br />Please 5 - Identify a CHG Eseissiou Target <br />The previous phases will lead to the development of recommended GHG emission <br />reduction targets for both the community and local government operations, The historic, <br />current and potential future measures will be analysed and compiled to create future <br />GHG emission scenarios based on differing levels of investment on behalf of the local <br />governments. For instance, conservative and optimistic scenazios could be created to <br />illustrate the level of future GHG emissions given different packages of potential <br />measures. The scenazio definitions and composition will be agreed upon by the AQAC. <br />