Orange County NC Website
4 <br />1. .Jointly undertake a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Reduction Local Action <br />Plan for the entirety of Orange County, as shown in the scope of work provided as <br />Schedule A, at a projected total cost of $45,000. <br />2. That Orange County, through the County's Environment and Resource Conservation <br />Depaztment (ERGO), shall serve as the coordinating jurisdiction for administration of the <br />project. Upon execution of this Memorandum of Agreement, Orange County shall <br />manage the contract and approval payments thereto, and will invoice the Towns of <br />Cazrboro and Chapel Hill for their portions of the project costs as shown in item 4 below, <br />consistent with the payment schedule in the contract between ICLEI Energy Services and <br />Orange County referenced in item 5 below. <br />3. Accept a grant in the amount of $14,100 (or 80% of the transportation-related project <br />costs) from the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization <br />towards this project. <br />4. Share the local government percentage of the cost of said project via apreviously-used <br />method for joint projects based on the 2000 Census, as follows: <br />• Orange County 44.6% (projjected shaze, $13,781) <br />• Chapel Hill 41..2% (projected shaze, $12,731) <br />• Cazrboro 14.2% (projected share, $4,388) <br />In the event that project costs are estimated to exceed $45,000, the elected boards of <br />each,jurisdiction shall consider a revised project budget. <br />5. That the Project Deliverables and Timetable of Activities shall be as shown in the <br />attached Schedule A, "Scope of Work for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory <br />Reduction and Local Action Plan" and in the contractual agreement to be finalized <br />between ICLEI Energy Services and Orange County, NC. <br />6. That staff from the Planning Departments of the Town of Cazrboro, Town of Chapel Hill, <br />and Orange County shall work with Orange County ERCD staff to implement the project <br />as a .Joint Staff Committee, which may also include staff from the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br />Cazrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, the University of North Cazolina, and the <br />Orange County Solid Waste Department. Orange County ERCD will work with the <br />consultants on the creation of agenda materials, mailings and other administrative duties, <br />in coordination with staff from the Towns. <br />7. Consistent with the Scope of Work and contract, an Air Quality Advisory Committee <br />(AQAC) will be formed to work with the consultant and staff on the project. This <br />Advisory Committee of 13 members shall include representatives of air quality <br />stakeholder groups as follows: <br />