Agenda - 02-26-2003-ws2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-26-2003
Agenda - 02-26-2003-ws2
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9/2/2008 9:08:13 AM
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8/29/2008 10:44:45 AM
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the same time, the overall fund will incur the large expense associated with formal <br />closure and capping of the MS W landfill that could be as much as $2 million. <br />As soon as 2003-04, supplemental funds will be needed to support waste reduction and <br />recycling activities, restabilize the equipment reserves, and begin development of a <br />landfill closure fund. Current landfill income has declined due to success in recycling <br />and waste reduction coupled with a competitive waste management market in which <br />waste flows to the least expensive disposal options. Orange County now has among the <br />highest tipping fees in North Carolina, hence the landfill has lost tonnage, enabling the <br />landfill to last longer but also diminishing the landfill's operating funds. <br />Consequently, the SWAB, at the request of the BOCC, has made alternative financing its <br />top priority through most of the past twelve months. After thorough study and <br />investigation of a variety of options available to provide long-term, predictable, stable <br />funding for Solid Waste Management, the SWAB recommends a system used elsewhere <br />that it terms a'comprehensive services prepaid fee'. For Orange County, this proposed fee <br />would cover the following: <br />• Mixed solid waste lined landfill operations including replacement of the current <br />tipping fee based system with a funning system based on the projected prorated <br />weight from each type of waste generator e.g. residential, multifamily, commercial <br />(varies by type of business/operation). Under this plan, landfill tipping fees would be <br />eliminated for mixed solid waste and out of county waste would still be banned. <br />There would still be a gate fee for construction waste, demolition waste and <br />vegetative waste. <br />• Recycling services including a fee based on the level of service for the type of <br />customer, weekly curbside, biweekly curbside, multifamily with carts, commercial <br />recyclers of different sizes and types <br />• Administrative services including county-wide solid waste education and universal <br />programs that serve all residents such as hazardous household waste, electronics <br />collection, and dropoff sites <br />• Establishment of restricted equipment and landfill closure reserves and maintenance <br />of recommended fund balance <br />• Implementation of Orange County's Integrated Ten Year Solid Waste Management <br />Plan including necessary programs, services and facilities to reach the waste <br />reduction goal <br />• Other solid waste services provided by the Orange County Solid Waste Management <br />Department, not including hauling of solid waste which is outside the purview of this <br />Department. <br />The SWAB envisions this comprehensive fee being charged to all solid waste generators <br />including non-profits such as churches and service organizations. According to one of the <br />S WAB's adopted principles of financing, the fee should be commensurate with the level <br />of solid waste generation and recycling services provided; in other words equitably <br />assessed across all classes of users. <br />
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