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~~ ~ O Public Hearing Ordinance 12 <br />VII-E-2.7 Enforcement Action After Time Limit to Correct Violation: <br />Following the time limit for correction of the violation, including any stay or extension <br />thereof, the Planning Director shall determine whether the violation has been corrected. <br />If the violation has been corrected, the Planning Director shall take no further action <br />against the alleged violator. If the violation has not been corrected, the Planning Director <br />may act to impose one or more of the remedies and penalties specified in the notice of <br />violation, or correction order. <br />VII-E-3 Remedies: Penalties: Enforcement Action <br />VII-E-3.1 General <br />The Planning Director may pursue one (1) or more of the following remedies and <br />penalties described below or in Article VII-E-4, or otherwise authorized by common law or <br />statute, to prevent, correct, or abate a violation of this Ordinance. Such statutes include, <br />but are not limited to, G.S. Chapter 14, Section 4 and G.S. Chapter 153A, Sections 123, <br />324, and 334 et. seq. Use of one (1) of the authorized remedies and penalties does not <br />preclude the Planning Director from using any other authorized remedies or penalties, <br />nor does it relieve any party to the imposition of one (1) remedy or penalty from <br />imposition of any other authorized remedies or penalties. <br />a) Permit Denial or Conditioning: <br />As long as a violation of this Ordinance remains uncorrected, the Planning <br />Director may deny or withhold approval of any permit, certificate, or other <br />authorization provided for in this Ordinance that is sought for the property on <br />which the violation occurs. The Planning Director may also condition a permit, <br />certificate, or authorization on the correction of the violation and/or payment of a <br />civil penalty, and/or posting of a compliance security. <br />b) Injunctive and Abatement Relief in Superior Court: <br />The County may apply to a General Court of Justice in accordance with the <br />provisions of G.S. 153A-123 (e) and G.S. 153A-334 to bring an action for <br />injunction of any illegal subdivision, transfer, conveyance, or sale of land, and the <br />Court shall, upon appropriate findings, issue an injunction and order requiring the <br />offending party to comply with the Subdivision Regulations of the County. <br />c) Criminal Penalties: <br />Any person who, being the owner or the agent of the owner of any land located <br />within the jurisdiction of this Ordinance, subdivides land in violation of this <br />Ordinance, or transfers, or sells land by reference to, exhibition of, or any other <br />use of a plat showing a subdivision of the land before the plat has been properly <br />approved under this Ordinance, and recorded in the Office of the Register of <br />Deeds, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable, accordingly, by <br />fine and/or imprisonment. <br />The description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer, or other <br />document used in the process of selling or transferring land, does not exempt the <br />transaction from penalties. <br />G:\Current Planning Div\Tking\ZO&SR Enforcement Amendments\Public Hearing Ordinance <br />