Orange County NC Website
09/15/2005 <br />Needed e. Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, <br />to be telephone, cable and other cormnunication facilities, and sewer lines, streets, and bridges <br />included.. located in flood prone areas; (1) <br />f Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of flood <br />prone areas in such a manner as to minimize flood blight areas; and <br />New <br />termin- g, Ensure that potential homebuyers are notified that property is in a Special Flood Hazard <br />ology Area. <br />(Ord. of8-28-1995, § 1,1, eff. 8-28-1995) <br />Sec. 42-:36. Definitions. <br />Unless specifically defined below, words or° phrases used in this Ordinance shall be <br />interpreted, so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this Ordinance its <br />most r°easonable application. <br />Accessory structure or an (Appurtenant Sbzrcture) means a structure, which is located on the <br />same parcel of property as the principal structure and the use of which is incidental to the use of the <br />principal structure. Garages, cazports, and storage sheds are common accessory structures in residential <br />arms, Pole barns, dairy barns, stables, hay sheds, and ot/ier out but/dings qualify as accessory <br />structures on fazms, and may or may not be located on the same parcel as the farm dwellin or shop <br />building, planning Board suggestions In line with State and <br />Federal definitions (3) <br />Addition (to an existing building) means an extension or incre f a <br />building or structure, including adding new plumbing, electrical, or HVAC systems. <br />Appeal means a request from a review of the Floodplain • trater'r;-ir3terpretat~ea-ef <br />provision of this Ordinance by the Board of Adjzrstment Change from local Administrator <br />Ian-i,,,, to Floodplain Administrator (2) <br />ing,,; Area of shallow flooding means a designated AO Zone (floo Zone resu hug ro»: sheet ow <br />;oazd run off, pouding, or s/rallow flooding with base flood depths provided) or AH Zone (areas of shallow <br />^g_ j flooding base floodplaiu with BFEs provided) on a Orange County's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) <br />es- with base flood depths determined to be from one (1) to tluee (.3) feet. These areas ar•e located where a (3) <br />on clearly defined channel does not exist, where the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate, <br />and where velocity flows may be evident. Such flooding is characterized by sheet flow or pouding. <br />Area of special flood hazard, see "Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) " (3) <br />Base, flood means the flood having a one (1 %) percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any <br />given yeaz. <br />Base flood elevation (BFE) means a determination as published in the Flood Insurance Study of <br />the water sub face elevations of the base, flood. <br />(~l <br />Basement means any area of the building having its floor sub grade (below ground level) on all <br />sides. <br />