Orange County NC Website
09/15/2005 22 <br />13. When the exact location of boundaries of the SFHAs conflict with the current, natural <br />topography information at the site, the property owner may apply and be approved for a <br />Letter of Map Amendment (COMA) by FEMA.. The Floodplain Administrator in the (2 <br />floodplain development permit file will maintain a copy of the COMA issued from FEMA. <br />14. Pernrnnently maintain all records pertaining to the administration of this Ordinance and make <br />these records available for public inspection during normal business hours <br />1.5. Make on-site inspections of work in progress. As the work pursuant to a joodplnin <br />development permit progresses, the Floodplain Adminish•ator shall make as many <br />inspections of the work as may be necessary to ensza°e that the work is being done according <br />to the provisions of the local ordinance and the ter•rns of the permit. In exercising this power, <br />the Floodplain Administrator has a right, upon presentation of proper credentials, to enter <br />on any premises within the jurisdiction of the Orange County at any reasonable hour•,for the <br />purposes of inspection or other enforcement action. <br />(5) 17. Mnintain a current map repository to include, but not limited to, the FIS Report, FIRM <br />and/or other° offrcial flood maps/studies adopted under Section 42-37 of this Ordinance, <br />including any revisions thereto including LOMRs, issued by State and/or FEMA. <br />18 Notify State and FEMA of mapping needs. <br />19. Issue stop-work orders as required Whenever a building or part thereof is being <br />consh•ucted, reconsd•zrcted, altered, or repaired in violation of this Ordinance, the <br />Floodplain Adnrinish•ator may order the work to be immediately stopped. The stop-work <br />order shall be in writing and directed to the person doing the wa•k and the owner shall be <br />sent a copy via the U S mail. The stop-work order shall state the specific work to be <br />stopped, the specific reason(s) for the stoppage, and the condition(s) under which the ww°k <br />may be resumed Violation of a stop-work order constitutes a Class 3 misdemeanor. <br />20. Revocation of joodplain development permits, as required. The Floodplain Adminish•ator <br />may revoke and require the return of the joodplain development permit by notifying the <br />permit holder in writing stating the reason(s), for the revocation. Per•rnits shall be revoked <br />for any substantial depm•ture, from the approved application, plans, or specificntions; for <br />refusal or failure to comply with the requirements of State or local laws; a', for false <br />statements or misrepresentntions made in securing the permit, Arzy floodplcrin development <br />permit mistakenly issued in violation of an applicable State or local law may also be r°evoked <br />21 Mnke periodic inspections thr°oughout all SFHAs within the Orange County, jurisdiction. The <br />Floodplain Administrator and each member of the Planning and Inspections Department <br />shall have a right, zrporv presentation of proper credentials, to enter on any premises within <br />the territorial, jur°isdiction of the deparhrrent nt any reasonable hour for• the pzn poses of <br />inspection or other enforcement action. <br />22, Follow through with corrective procedures of Section d2-70. <br />(5) 23. Coordinate Letters of Map Anrendmerrts or Revisions and FIS/FIRM revisions with other <br />County departments, State of North Carolina, and FEMA. <br />