Orange County NC Website
o9n stloos ~ s <br />v. The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) inhere provided as set forth in Section =12-.3 7; <br />Section 42-69 (11/I2), or Section ~I2-91; <br />vi The old and new location of any watercourse that will be altered or• relocated as a <br />r°esaalt of proposed developnaerat <br />vii. Preprn•ation of the plot plan by or zmder• the direct supervision of a North Carolina <br />licensed professional I,arad Surveyor or Professional Engineer and certified by them. <br />b) Proposed elevation, and method thereof of all development within a SFHA including but <br />not limited to <br />Wording from i. Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the proposed reference level (including <br />state ordinance basement) of all sh•uctures; <br />template <br />ii. Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any non-residential structure in Zone <br />AE, A, or AO will be flood-proofed; <br />iii. Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any proposed utility systems will be <br />elevated w•, flood proofed; <br />c) If flood proofing, a flood proofing certificate and back-np plans .from a registered <br />professional engineer or architect certifying that the non-residential flood proofed <br />development will meet the flood-proofing criteria in Section 42-(2) and =12-94 <br />d) A Foundation Plan drawn to scale, which shall include details of the proposed <br />foundation system to ensure all provisions of this Ordinance are met. These details <br />include but m°e not limited to: <br />Proposed method of elevation, if applicable (i e., fill, solid foundation perimeter wall, <br />solid backfilled foundation, open foundation on columns, pos[s, piers, piles, or shear <br />wall); <br />More <br />specificity as <br />per NC <br />Flood Act of <br />.2000 <br />ii. Openings to facilitate equalization of hydrostatic flood forces on walls according to <br />Section 42-92(.5), when solid foundation perimeter walls are used ira Zones A, AO, <br />AE, and Al-30; <br />e. Usage details of any enclosed space below the regulatory, flood protection elevation. <br />f Plazas and/or details for the protection of public zatilities and facilities szach as sewer, gas, <br />electrical, and water systems to be located and constructed to mirainaize flood damage; <br />g Copy of all other Local, State arad Federal permits required prior to floodplain <br />development permit issuance (i. e. Wetlands, Erosion and Sedimentation Condrol, <br />Riparian Bzaffers, Mining, etc.) <br />