Orange County NC Website
5, Termination for Cause <br />In the event that the Department shall cease to exist as an organization, or shall enter <br />bankruptcy proceedings, or be declared insolvenk or liquidate all or substantially all of <br />its assets, or snail significantly reduoe its services, during the term of this Agreement, or <br />in the event that the Department sha11 fail to rendez a satisfactory accounting as <br />proti~ided herein, then, and in that event, the Town may terminate this Agreement and <br />the Department, to the extent permitted by Iaw, wail return all payments already made to <br />it by the Town, for services which have not been provided, or of which no satisfactory <br />accounting has been rendered: <br />6. Hold Harmless <br />To the extent permitted by late, the Depaivnent agrees to protect, defend, indemnify <br />and held harmless the Town o£ Chapel Hiil from all loss, liability, claims or expense <br />(including reasonable attorney's fees) arising from bodily injury, death or pmperiy <br />damage to any pezson err persons caused in whole ox in part by the negligence or willful <br />misconduct of the Department, except to the extent same era caused by the negligence <br />or misconduct of the Town of Chapel Hill.. <br />7. Non-Discrimination <br />In matters of employment, provision of services and contracting, the Department agrees <br />to act without regard to race. color, sex, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, <br />gender identity, gender expression or handicapped status. <br />8, Amendments <br />This Agreement may he amended by mutual agreement of the Department and the <br />Tower. <br />9, )retire Agreement <br />This Agreement constinues the entire Agreement of the parties hereto. <br />THE REA4AINDER OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BI.,ANK <br />2 <br />