Orange County NC Website
425 <br />Jessie J. Watkins, PR <br />for Annie D. Watkins <br />Lizzie West <br />Banks Hobby <br />Ada B. Rogers <br />Jessie J. Watkins, PR <br />for Annie D. Watkins <br /> Revision <br />10-1-65 25.00 to 70.00 <br />1-1-65 36.00 to 38.00 <br />12-1-65 137.00 to 118.00 <br />12-1-65 85.00 to 147.00 <br /> Termination <br />11-1-65 <br />Boarding home care and <br />special medical costs. <br />Need for educational <br />allowance <br />Increased cost of special <br />medical care <br />Increase in variable cost <br />items and essential person <br />in budget <br />Death of recipient <br />Discussion ensued concerning the condition of the floor in the courtroom. The <br />County Administrator advised the Board that the due to the method used in putting <br />down the first floor it would be an involved process to remove and install a new <br />floor. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Smith, it was moved <br />and adopted, that the County Administrator secure.bids for either a new floor or the <br />re-setting of the present tiles for the courtroom floor. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Smith, it was moved <br />and adopted, that the Articles of Incorporation of the Commission on Economic oppor- <br />tunity of orange County, North Carolina, Incorporated, be adopted by orange County. <br />The County Attorney was authorized to proceed with the necessary legal action to so <br />incorporate said Commission. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the proposed Health Building and the purchase of <br />additional real estate by the County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Smith, it was moved <br />and adopted that, the Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby approve the con- <br />struction of a new building to house the County Health Center. This project shall b <br />designed so that not more than $50,000 in local funds shall be expended for its con- <br />struction and equipment. The Board named itself, the Orange County Board of Commis- <br />sioners, as the organization responsible for the prosecution of the project and here <br />by designated its Chairman, Harvey D. Bennett, as the official spokesman who is auth• <br />orized to represent the owner and governing Board and to sign all documents, con- <br />tracts, and correspondence required in the developing of this project. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was mover <br />and adopted, that Chairman Bennett, Dr. O. David Garvin, and the County Administrator <br />be appointed as the Committee to investigate and decide as to the type of structure <br />needed by the Orange County Health Department. <br />Oscar Ewing, Chairman of the Research Triangle Regional Planning Commission, and <br />Pearson Stewart, Executive Secretary of the Research Triangle Regional Planning Com- <br />mission, were present to explain some of the work being done by the Commission. Mr. <br />Stewart displayed a series of slides depicting urban and rural land use and develop- <br />ment. <br />Commissioner Ray discussed the possibility of the construction of a reservoir <br />in Northern Orange County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved <br />and adopted that D. T. Rose, Engineer, be asked to give an estimate of the cost of <br />construction of a reservoir to determine whether such a project would be feasible <br />for Northern Orange County. <br />G. Paul Carr, Superintendent of the County School Unit, discussed the Capital <br />Outlay expense of the County School Unit. Mr. Carr made particular reference to the <br />school bus situation. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved <br />and adopted, that $5,000 be allocated to the County School Unit for the purpose of <br />purchasing an additional school bus. <br />. Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ray, it was moved <br />and adopted, that the following persons be named as Tax Listers for the 1966 tax <br />year: <br />Little River Township. Mrs. Robert Murray <br />Cedar Grove Township. Joe Compton <br />Cheeks Township. Mrs. Henry Heath <br />Hillsborough Township. R. J. Smith, Jr. <br />Eno Township. Mrs. J. D. Griffin <br />Bingham Township. Mrs. Evelyn Teer <br />Chapel Hill Township. L. R. Cheek