Agenda - 02-04-2003-8f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-04-2003
Agenda - 02-04-2003-8f
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9/1/2008 10:28:38 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:44:04 AM
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Lands LegacyAnnua/Action Plan 2002-03 Draft 1128103 <br />park needs for the North-Central region given the current park development plans for <br />Cedar Grove Park and Little River Regional Park. <br />5. Work with Duke University and the University of North Carolina on formalizing <br />protection of natural areas on university-owned property through conservation <br />easements, state nature preserve dedication or other means. <br />6. Natural Areas and Prime Forests: Protect the highest priority natural areas and <br />prime forests identified in 1988 Inventory ofNatuia/Areas and Wildlife Habitatand 1999 <br />Landscape with Wi/d/ife report. <br />7. Complete Stewardship Plans: Develop stewardship plans for each County-owned <br />nature preserve and County-held conservation easement property. <br />8. Heritage/Scenic Corridor Pilot Easement: Acquire a "pilot project" conservation <br />easement along a high-priority viewshed of the historic St. Mary's Road corridor (a <br />portion of the Great Indian Trading Path). <br />9. Joint Town/County Open Space: Partner with the towns and other entities in <br />acquiring land for establishing or expanding rustic trails or greenways identified in town <br />plans that tie together important County-wide open spaces. Develop definitions of <br />different types of trails, and address through Joint County/Town process document. <br />A. Commission for the Environment (CfE) <br />Continue efforts to protect Seven Mile Creek (Natural Areas N02/N03), <br />Southern Shagbark Hickory Forest (M16), and Pickard's Mountain (M01). <br />Work with partners to protect Upper Eno River watershed critical areas, lands <br />adjacent to Eno River State Park, and Upper New Hope Creek headwater. <br />Protect all higher.priority Natural Area sites and consider all opportunities to <br />protect riparian habitats and associated natural areas throughout the <br />County-especially within the Little River and Morgan Creek corridors. <br />B. Agricultural Preservation Board (APB) <br />Continue purchasing farmland conservation easements from willing sellers. <br />Focus on farms within the Cane Creek, University Lake, Back Creek and <br />Upper Eno watersheds, and use new Agricultural Priority Area formula to <br />evaluate potential easement farms. Attempt to build a critical mass of <br />contiguous farm easements in those watersheds. Augment County funds by <br />pursuing state grants (e.g., FPTF, CWMTF) and partnering with others (e.g., <br />OWASA, Soil and Water District, Eno River Assoc.). Conduct more outreach <br />to farm community. Consider co-locating a new agricultural center on land <br />acquired for other purposes. <br />C. Recreation and Parks Advisory Council (RPAC) <br />Collaborate with OWASA on establishing county park(s) on OWASA lands <br />located outside Cane Creek watershed critical area. Pursue land acquisition <br />2
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