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3 <br /> o N RCS Farm Bill 2002 <br /> Naanl aaowRS[emervadon Scala <br /> Yelled Saks aepammm olA*Waaa <br /> Program Description Farmland Protection <br /> MWM Program <br /> Overview States,units of local government,and non- <br /> The Farmland Protection Program(FPP)is a governmental organizations to cooperate in the <br /> voluntary program that helps farmers and acquisition of conservation easements or other <br /> ranchers keep their land in agriculture and interests on farms and ranches.Once an entity <br /> Prevents conversion of agricultural land to is selected,the NRCS State conservationist <br /> non-agricultural uses.The program provides enters into a cooperative agreement with,and <br /> matching funds to State,Tribal,and local obligates money to,the entity.The entity <br /> governments and non-governmental works with the landowner,processes the <br /> organizations with existing farmland easement acquisition,and holds,manages,and <br /> protection programs to purchase conservation enforces the easement.The Federal share of <br /> easements.These entities purchase easements any easement acquisition is limited to a <br /> from landowners in exchange for a lump sum maximum of 50 percent of the appraised fair <br /> payment,not to exceed the appraised fair market value of the conservation easement.A <br /> market value of the land's development rights. contingent right interest in the property must <br /> The easements are for a minimum of 30 years, be incorporated in each easement deed for the <br /> To date,all easements accepted into the protection of the Federal investment. <br /> program have been for perpetuity. <br /> Eligibility <br /> Authority Land.Entire farms or ranches may be enrolled <br /> FPP is authorized by the Food Security Act of in FPP.The farmland or ranch land must <br /> 1985,as amended.FPP is reauthorized in the contain at least 50 percent of prime,unique, <br /> Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of Statewide, or locally important soil or contain <br /> 2002(Farm Bill).The Secretary of Agriculture historic or archaeological sites.These lands <br /> delegated the authority for FPP to the Chief of must also be subject to a pending offer from an <br /> the Natural Resources Conservation Service eligible entity for the purpose of limiting <br /> (MRCS),who is a vice president of the conversion of the land to non-agricultural uses. <br /> Commodity Credit Corporation(CCC). Eligible land includes cropland,rangeland, <br /> grassland,pasture land,and forest land that is <br /> Scope part of an agricultural operation.Incidental <br /> FPP is available in all 50 States,the Caribbean land that would not otherwise be eligible may <br /> Area(Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands),and be considered eligible as part of a pending <br /> the Pacific Basin Area(Guam,American offer,if inclusion would significantly augment <br /> Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the protection of the associated eligible farm or <br /> Northern Mariana Islands).To participate in ranch land. Farms or ranches with historical or <br /> FPP,NRCS State offices must submit a State archaeological resources must meet the <br /> FPP per• following criteria: <br /> • Be listed in the National Register of Historic <br /> Haw FPP Works Places(established under the National <br /> The CCC,through NRCS,requests proposals Historic Preservation Act(NHPA), 16 USC. <br /> from Federally recognized Indian Tribes, 470,et seq.); or <br /> mrr NaWgl Resources Consavadon sm-lea provides leaderamp in apaAnaahip aBat to help people <br /> consewa,maimairc arid'anp we ow natreal resources and environment. <br /> An Egral Oppaturdty Provider and Employer <br />