Orange County NC Website
2 <br />property. The Board approved this purchase, which had been in the works before the <br />interlocal purchase, in May of 2005. This purchase is slated to close this month. <br />Over the past few years, the County has worked in conjunction with Triangle Land <br />Conservancy to acquire identified lands along the New Hope Corridor between Erwin Road <br />and the Durham County line to protect the stream corridor and provide for a future trail <br />connection. This has been a component of the Lands Legacy Action Plan 2004 -06 (adopted <br />in 2004). In addition to the 7 -acre Hollow Rock Access Area purchase from Duke mentioned <br />above, two other properties along the corridor have been acquired to date — a conservation <br />easement on 1.8 acres owned by Jeff Fisher, and a fee - simple purchase of 1.1 acres at the <br />Durham County line from Hope Creek Ltd. A conservation easement with TLC and Trinity <br />School was approved in 2003 but not executed, and new discussions among the three <br />parties are underway regarding this portion of the corridor. <br />On June 23, Durham County conveyed to the Chair, County Attorney and County Manager a <br />proposal to create an interlocal agreement. This draft interlocal agreement would address <br />not only the 43 -acre "Erwin Trace" property as originally set out, but would also propose to <br />create a mechanism to develop a plan for the entirety of the New Hope corridor in Orange <br />County and (presumably) Durham County. The scope of the Memorandum of Agreement <br />(MOA) is considerably larger than the expected proposal to address ownership and <br />disposition of the 43 -acre Erwin Trace property. The Durham County proposal appears to <br />propose that the other properties being purchased by Orange County and TLC also be <br />subject to planning by this new committee. The proposed committee would include 4 <br />representatives from Durham County, 4 representatives from Orange County (the June 23 <br />draft had 3 Orange County slots), 2 from the Town of Chapel Hill and 1 from the City of <br />Durham. The proposal further stipulates that Orange County's appointments should include <br />one member from the Commission for the Environment or Recreation and Parks Advisory <br />Council, one member of TLC, and one undesignated member. <br />A .July 13th letter from the Chair to the Durham Chair indicated that Orange County would <br />discuss and consider the proposal at a meeting following the summer break. <br />At this point, the County Attorney and staff have not engaged in formal study of the proposal, <br />pending the Board's discussion of whether to participate. An attached staff memo <br />summarizes the Durham proposal and highlights some areas for future discussion, if this <br />process for a new master plan of the corridor is pursued. A staff memo from Durham was <br />received on September 15th and is attached regarding the rationale for including a master <br />planning process in the proposed agreement. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with the proposed MOA. The <br />creation of a new committee will impact staff resources in an as yet undetermined degree. If <br />the agreement as written is pursued, the County may have new management costs for the <br />part of the joint partnership property in Orange County, with costs unknown at this time. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the proposal <br />from Durham County and provide direction to the County Attorney and staff regarding <br />conditions of participation, or other general points of response, which could be conveyed in a <br />letter from the Chair. <br />