Orange County NC Website
A major undertaking this year is continued work on a complete update to several of the <br />elements of the County's Comprehensive Plan, with the initial focus on the land use plan. <br />Improved coordination among development regulations, the Land Use Element, and linkages to <br />other plan elements through a Unified Development Ordinance would compile all land use- <br />related regulations in one document in a manner consistent with all of the elements of the Plan. <br />The Planning Director will make a brief presentation to confirm staffs understanding of direction <br />received thus far from the Board and to highlight major milestones in the timetable (Tab #7) <br />staff has developed for completing the Land Use Element and Unified Development Ordinance. <br />The Board may wish to explore opportunities for accelerated action on certain components of <br />the Land Use Element. The Board may also wish to provide direction to staff on the potential <br />for using the Land Use Element as the mechanism for tying together different elements of the <br />plan, such as natural areas and other environmental factors, economic development districts, <br />and other related elements which may be pending completion. <br />Board Matters <br />This section provides an opportunity for the Board to address a variety of procedural and work <br />assignment matters for the upcoming year organized around the following headings: <br />Board Procedures <br />Work Group Updates <br />BOCC Appointments Procedures <br />Specific Appointments of BOCC Members to Advisory Boards <br />Information on these topics is located at Tab #8. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact related directly to the Board's discussion at <br />this retreat. However, Board guidance to be provided at the retreat will fundamentally shape the <br />operating and capital budgets for FY 2003-04 and influence the development of budgets in <br />subsequent years as well. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the topics <br />identified on the agenda and others that Commissioners may raise at the retreat, and provide <br />appropriate direction to staff.