Orange County NC Website
<br />based on perceived individual use rather than benefits to the entire <br />community.. <br />6) If a fee is going to be applied, it should he instituted evenly. That is, all tax- <br />exempt organizations should be treated alike,. We were surprised to learn that <br />some tax-exempt institutions will be exempt from the proposed WRRR fee <br />and others will not. Por example Mr. Wilson informed us that iJNC, the <br />largest non-profit in our conununity, will not be required to pay the fee,. <br />As you can see, the Board of Aldermen and I have serious reservations about this fee, this <br />particular instnunent for collecting the revenue necessary to pay for our solid waste <br />recycling programs. Our reservations, however, should not be construed to as opposition <br />to achieving a stable revenue stream for your program, Simply put, we believe revenue <br />should be sought through progressive means that reflect the values of our community, <br />that payment for services should be based on means not flat rates. <br />Again, tharilc you for entertaining continents from other elected officials in the county. <br />We bust you will make the decision that is in Che best interest of the citizens of this <br />county. <br />Sincerely, <br />Michael R. Nelson <br />Mayor <br /> <br />