Orange County NC Website
of need or surgery event. Surgeries; however, are tied directly to Shelter adoptions so that as <br />adoptions increase (along with adoption fee income), euthanasia can decrease, These are <br />highly desirable and positive outcomes in overall Shelter management and animal welfare, <br />County staff will closely monitor and evaluate the progress of both contracts in terms of spend <br />rates and qualitative results throughout the budget year and keep the BOCC apprised <br />accordingly. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />A, Approve a contract with Dr. Marat Dubrovsky, d/b/a Nicks Road Veterinary Clinic for <br />spay/neuter services for the Orange County Animal Shelter. <br />B. Approve a contract with Dr. Soren David Windram, d/b/a New Hope Animal Hospital for <br />spay/neuter services for the Orange Ccunty Animal Shelter. <br />C. Authorize the Chair to sign the contracts with Drs. Dubrovsky and Windram following final <br />review by the County Attorney and County Manager, <br />