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determine how best to use the land, which could include hiring a surveyor and land use planner <br />or civil engineer." <br />Ad hoc committee response: The current proposal may have unintentionally suggested a <br />more specificity than intended. We recommend this requirement be rephrased as follows <br />"include a detailed ec proposed schedule for bringing the project on-line, including <br />critical next steps such as pre-development planning and fundraising, as well as and-a plan <br />for the management and maintenance of the lam property until construction begins." <br />AHAB ACTION: Accept proposed change. <br />4. Re: Pre-Development Due Diligence, A. Planning and Zoning. The current proposal states, <br />"Does the site conform to the governing jurisdictions planning documents and zoning ordinance? <br />If applicable, does the appropriate subdivision procedure comply with current subdivision <br />regulations?" <br />Dowling and Levy find this problematic. Dowling states that "Many times a parcel of land will <br />need to be rezoned in order to develop in a manner allows the housing to be affordable (like our <br />Legion Road Townhomes). It could be difficult to document the likelihood that a rezoning <br />application will be successful. How does this score?" <br />Levy's concerns are more direct. "I don't understand either question. Are you asking if a <br />rezoning is necessary? I'm not sure what you are trying to get at. Speaking as a potential <br />applicant, clearer language would be helpful." <br />Ad hoc committee response: Our proposed changes are as follows: "Does the site conform <br />to the governing jurisdiction's planning, deeu ei4s a„a zoning, and subdivision er-dinaftee <br />requirements? , <br />" If not, what is required to accomplish this and what is the <br />likelihood of a successful outcome? " To answer the second question, the applicant should <br />refer to similar situations in which the governing jurisdiction has had to provide variances, <br />amendments, etc. to permit an affordable housing development to move forward. <br />AHAB ACTION: Section to read. "Does the protect conform to the governing jurisdiction's <br />planning zoning and subdivision requirements for this parcel? If not what is required to <br />accomplish this?" <br />5. Re: Pre-Development Due Diligence, Utilities. The current proposal states "Are utilities <br />(water, sewer, electricity, natural gas, phone, etc) available at the site now or in the respective <br />utilities capital improvement plan to be provided at the site in the future? What is the estimated <br />cost of providing the utilities? What is the source of funding?" <br />Levy writes, "In asking the source of funding for infrastructure, I am assuming that it will be <br />acceptable to list possible sources. For a landbanking proposal, it is unrealistic to think that <br />funding would be in place for infrastructure." <br />Ad hoc committee response: Change third sentence to read, "What the setwee of ftin ing <br />are the possible funding sources?"