Orange County NC Website
3. Other General Considerations <br />In addition to the above, we would add the following points, which are referenced in the <br />draft: <br />? It is our hope that all decisions by the PPC can be reached by consensus, and that <br />every effort will be made to obtain consensus prior to any unilateral action by the <br />Town as provided in items 2, 8 and 9. <br />? The role of other County staff in PPC review is unclear, and should be addressed <br />We hope that these proposed changes are acceptable to the Town, as we feel they will <br />add necessary provisions that recognize the County's fiduciary responsibilities in the <br />project. If you agree with these changes, we would suggest that the full elected boards <br />review the proposal between now and the holiday break. We stand ready to discuss <br />matters further if needed. We look forward to working with you on this park, and to the <br />day that Southern Park opens as a wonderful addition to the quality of life of citizens in <br />southern Orange County.