Orange County NC Website
involved a consultant assisting the governments and citizens' committee to develop three waste <br />reduction scenarios from which the governments developed the plan framework in 1996. The <br />resulting plan was further refined and submitted to the NG Department of Environment and <br />Natural Resources in 1997 as required by State statute. In addition to meeting the statutory <br />requirement, the planning document also served as the County's guideline far future solid waste <br />reduction planning and as a basis for projecting financial needs to meet those goals. In 2000, <br />the plan was updated and the same goals and plan framework were reaffirmed. This latest <br />update was due to the State in June 2003, but the County requested and received an extension <br />to that submission deadline. <br />FINANCIA<_ IMPACT: There is no financial impact related to conducting this discussion, The <br />financial impact of the actual solid waste management plan, however, is considerable and the <br />discussion could affect ongoing budgetary and alternative financing deliberations. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the proposed <br />solid waste plan update and approve the attached resolution, or a modified version thereof, for <br />submission to the State along with the solid waste plan update, <br />