Orange County NC Website
14 <br />• Work closely with the Department of Social Services to assure that in-home and <br />institutional respite care services axe targeted to those low-income individuals who <br />could benefit. <br />• Make presentations to church groups in rural Ox~xge County to inform residents of <br />services for seniors and to promote volunteerism tluough the Friend-to-Friend <br />Program, <br />• Use UNC-CH students to provide outreach to targeted neighborhoods, which affords <br />students the opportunity to gain valuable experience in community outreach while <br />maximizing outreach funding. <br />Continue the extensive publicity campaign to make Orange County senior citizens aware <br />that all of the resources available to them regardless of their geographic location.. This <br />includes distributing Eldercare Community Resource Guides to rural civic and church <br />groups. Rev. OS/03/04 <br />