Orange County NC Website
2 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The County's current 2002-03 fiscal year budget includes a "reserve <br />fund" totaling $300,000 to be used as a funding "safety net" to cover some of the State budget <br />cuts that County departments may experience. To-date, no funds have been appropriated from <br />the reserve fund. On October 21, 2002, staff presented an updated list totaling about $95,000 <br />related to funding cuts that County departments anticipated as a result of the approved State <br />budget. Staff also indicated to the Board at that time that DSS would potentially need to tap <br />into the reserve to fund additional emergency energy assistance for clients. Funding needs <br />identified to-date total $157,124. The chart below outlines the State budget cuts identified for <br />the Board in October along with the funding needs identified in the background section above: <br />Needs Identitifed October 21, 2002 to Offset State Budget Cuts <br /> <br />DSS Local DSS Administration - offsets costs of public <br />assistance programs <br />$15,000 <br /> State Management Services for Children & Adults - <br />decrease in Medicaid reimbursement rate <br />$45,000 <br /> State Aid to Counties - offsets overall departmental <br />costs <br />$8,740 <br />Health Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - <br />funding for "Out of Wedlock Births" program <br />elimination at state level <br /> <br />$10,000 <br /> Health Promotions - program funding reduced $2,500 <br /> Increase in lab rates (for pap smears) charged by <br />State labs <br />$4,500 <br />Library Reduction in State Aid to Libraries $9,649 <br />Needs Identified October 21, 2002 $95,389 <br />Additional DSS Emergency Energy Assistance Needs <br />Assistance for Work First families with minor children $35,000 <br />Assistance for families without minor children $26,735 <br />Needs Identified January 21, 2002 $61,735 <br />Total Needs Identified To-Date $157,124 <br />It is important to note that the list above is a compilation of items that staff is aware of at this <br />point and is not meant to be an all-inclusive list. Staff will continue to update the Board as <br />additional information becomes available regarding additional funding reductions. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board accept the report and <br />appropriate $61,735 from the social safety net reserve fund to Social Services to meet <br />emergency needs.