Orange County NC Website
Thence N 83° 16' 04.99" W 2422.591m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#14) <br />South of .Jones Ferry Road (SR 1942 and SR 1540) having a coordinate value of N <br />234,948,488m E 595,289A70m, said point being designated as NCGS station County Line 14, <br />PID AB2063. <br />Thence N 83° 15' 33.17" W 223L659m to a concrete monwnent set with almninum disk (#1S) <br />to a point in the Walter Braxton Durham Et Al property (Orange County PIN 9747-G2-6596) <br />having a coordinate value of N 235,210.4.35m E 593,072.8.38m, said point being designated as <br />County Line 15. Thence N 82° 55' 46.72" W 1587.051m to a concrete monument set with <br />aluminum disk (#16) East of White Cross Road (SR 1951 and SR 1541) having a coordinate <br />value of N 2.35,405.782m E 591,497.855m, said point being designated as NCGS station <br />County Line 16, PID AB2064. Thence N 82° 5.3' 40.81" W 1668.976m to a Fenn monument set <br />with brass disk (#17) in the Walter Atwater property (Orange PIN 97.37-4.3-8522) having a <br />coordinate value of N 235,612,224m E 589,84L696m, said point being designated as County <br />Line 17. Thence N 00° 0.3' .37.30" W 169.91.3m to a Feno monument set with brass disk (#18) in <br />the said Walter Atwater property having a coordinate value of N 2.35,782.137m E <br />589,841.875m, said point being designated as County Line 18. Thence N 84° 25' 40.82" W <br />246.394m crossing Collins Mt, Road (SR 1954 and SR 1542) to a Feno monument set with brass <br />disk (#19) in the said Walter Atwater property having a coordinate value of N 235,806.061m E <br />589,596.645m, said point being designated as County Line 19. Thence S 12° 42' 08.03" W <br />161,90.3m to a Feno monument set with brass disk (#20) in the said Walter Atwater property <br />having a coordinate value of N 235,648.120m E 589,561.045m, said point being designated as <br />County Line 20. Thence N 83° 04' 05.12" W 1544.721m to a concrete monument set with <br />aluminum disk (#21) East of Crawford Dairy Road (SR 1956 and SR 15.39) having a coordinate <br />value of N 235,8.34.552m E 588,027.615m, said point being designated as NCGS station <br />County Line 21, PID AB2066. <br />Thence N 82° 29' 19.27" W 967.680m to a computed point in the Haw River (#22) having a <br />coordinate value of N 2.35,961 A49m E 587,068.239m, said point being designated as NCGS <br />station County Line 22, PID AB2077. Also being the ending point, the Southwest corner of <br />Orange County, the Northern boundary line of Chatham County and in the East line of Alamance <br />County. <br />All coordinates and bearings are based on the North American Datum of 198.3/86. All <br />coordinates and distances are in meter units. All pertinent infornlation used in describing this <br />boundary was obtained from the October 2002 plat titled "Resurvey of The CHATHAM- <br />ORANGE COUNTY L,INE," Page 1 of 2 and Page 2 of 2, a North Carolina Geodetic Survey <br />prepared by Gary W. Thompson, PLS 2694,. <br />Isg:orangecounty\boundary bill exhibit A doc <br />