Agenda - 06-08-2004-5j
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-08-2004
Agenda - 06-08-2004-5j
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8/29/2008 4:08:33 PM
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8/29/2008 10:43:06 AM
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2004 S Purchasing - The People's Channel Contract Renewal
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
Minutes - 20040608
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2004
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<br />In addition, in order to restore and maintain an acceptable quality level of the resulting programs, <br />TPC purchased some new equipment. Since the equipment is not used exclusively for the County <br />program, the County is not being requested to support the full cost of replacements, however, <br />some of the increase requested is attributable to the equipment purchase. <br />It should be noted that the effort continues to require set-up and take down of all equipment at <br />each meeting site and a minimum of four technicians to operate cameras and the production <br />equipment. Re-negotiation of Time Warner franchise agreement with Qrange County could <br />include accommodations far a mare permanent set up for cablecasting. However, due to the likely <br />timeframe during which the franchise may be negotiated, staff will continue to explore with TPC <br />the feasibility of deploying a more permanent and less expensive alternative, specifically in the use <br />of robotics equipment that would require fewer production staff for the Southern Human Services <br />Center location. Similar technology could be incorporated into the design of the area in the <br />expanded Justice Facilities that would be used for Commissioner meetings. That information will <br />be presented to the Board at such time approach and costs are determined. <br />Meetings are cablecast generally the next day after they are held and at least twice more during <br />the week, The People's Channel anticipates this same type of schedule for the upcoming year. <br />As an update to the Board, the first facilitated session between the County and Time Warner <br />Cable is scheduled to take place on June 3, Andy Sachs from Dispute Settlement Center has met <br />with both parties separately and developed a proposed strategy far continuing the informal <br />negotiation on franchise renewal. The County collected approximately $224,000 in cable <br />franchise fees last fiscal year. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The contract is paid based on actual number of meetings televised, <br />Historically, those include the regular commissioner meetings and the meeting during which the <br />Manager presents his recommended budget. Assuming 22 meetings, 11 of which would be held <br />in Chapel Hill ($13,244), 11 of which would be held in Hillsborough ($13,926), the estimated <br />contract expenditure for 2004-2005 would be $27,170, which funds are included in the 2004-2005 <br />Manager's Recommended Budget, <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the renewal of a <br />contract with the People's Channel for videotaping County Commissioner meetings for fiscal <br />2004-2005 pursuant to the referenced cost schedule; and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of <br />the Board, <br />
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