Orange County NC Website
-15- 31 <br />Absent this temporary employee it would be necessary to obtain a consulting firm at a <br />much greater expense. <br />Landfill Division <br />The primary reason for the temporary personnel is to provide back up staff coverage when <br />permanent staff are out of work. This would include all leave situations that the County <br />offers - vacation, sick (short and long term) - and staff vacancies. Occasionally temporary <br />employees are used when permanent employees are in training. <br />Solid Waste is required by the State of North Carolina to operate the landfill as defined in <br />the operating permit. This requires a trained staff to insure that the State requirements are <br />met and that the Landfill is operating in an environmentally sound and safe manner for the <br />employees and the citizens of the County. When a permanent employee is not working, <br />the employee is replaced with experienced temporary personnel who perform the required <br />duties. Typically, this temporary employee is a retiree of the Solid Waste Department and <br />already trained on equipment, safety, and operations practices and procedures, <br />Temporary personnel are also used to supplement permanent staff on major <br />construction /special projects that require a considerable amount of time to complete and <br />for which there is insufficient available time for the permanent staff to perform without <br />adversely impacting day -to -day operations. The landfill is highly regulated and subject to <br />closure, fines, or the like if operations deviate from approved operating permits, The <br />community could also suffer from unsanitary conditions, smells, rodents, and other issues <br />associated with not operating properly. Also, with a six -day a week operation and <br />permanent staffing for only five days it is imperative that temporary employees be used to <br />supplement permanent employees, <br />Temporary employees are also used periodically for mowing and trimming as well as litter <br />pickup and other miscellaneous jobs. <br />The combination of customer service obligations, environmental permit requirements, and <br />operational and safety necessities require a combination of overtime by regular employees <br />and the use of temporary employees. <br />Recycling Division: <br />The Recycling Division has 17 permanent positions, The division provides collection of <br />recycling from public drop -off sites, County Solid Waste Convenience Centers, <br />businesses, and multifamily along with single - family homes, Much of the recycling <br />collection is scheduled with significant customer service consequences for failure to collect <br />on the scheduled day. <br />Temporary employees are used for the following reasons: <br />• To assist permanent personnel during times of heavy workload.. <br />