Orange County NC Website
0 <br />Child Support <br />Child Support Enforcement generally uses temporary wages for coverage when the <br />department has a large number of staff attending training. <br />Commissioners' Office <br />E <br />The Commissioners' office uses temporary staff to assist with administrative duties such <br />as upgrading /maintenance of permanent agenda files and regular files, updating minutes <br />books and working with the State Department of Archives and History with microfilming the <br />minutes; scanning past minutes and agenda files so as to be able to put them on the State <br />server as permanent records; and special projects that are assigned to the Clerk's office <br />by the Board of Commissioners. The temporary employee also is designated to fill in <br />when a permanent employee is out, whether it is for short or extended periods of time <br />(medical or otherwise), and for vacation and training sessions. This is necessary to <br />provide adequate coverage for the Commissioners' office (which provides continuity and <br />sustainability to this office). The employee also has acquired the skills to cover the office <br />management duties, such as paying bills, and the like. <br />The temporary employee usually is assigned to 15 -16 hours per week, unless otherwise <br />designated. She also assists with after hour meetings (whether it be set -ups for <br />meals /evening meetings or assisting with public hearings, such as school merger and <br />budget public hearings). <br />Also, in May 2004, the Commissioners voted to re- establish the Orange Book, an <br />information and referral guide of local human services agencies. This approval of Phase I <br />was to collect and update the data, prepare for printing, and then print and distribute the <br />paper document. The funding for this project and the temporary employee's salary while <br />working on this project this past year was budgeted to come from the Board's contingency <br />fund and the employee has been working extensively on this project during the past fiscal <br />year (while also covering for several months while another staff member was on leave this <br />past year), and this has continued into this fiscal year as well. <br />Cooperative Extension <br />Cooperative Extension only uses temporary help for the main office approximately four <br />days per year (when the secretaries attend district and state meetings..) The only other <br />temporary help that the department uses is during the summer when 4 -H hires summer <br />programming staff, They are hired for a period of five weeks but the money does not come <br />from the Orange County budget. 4 -H's accounts are "in and out" accounts. Monies are <br />received from Triangle United Way, registration fees, and the like and are used to support <br />these 4 -H functions /programs. <br />Economic Development Commission <br />The Economic Development Commission has used temporary wages in the past and <br />anticipates using them this year to support student interns who perform special project <br />