Orange County NC Website
Draft August 26, 2004 10 <br />Proposed Concept for a Transfer of <br />Development Rights (TDR) Program, 2004 <br />Conls. The goals of the program could include the following: <br />1, Directing growth and development activities away from important natural and cultural <br />resources. <br />2. Shifting and converting rural to non-residential urban growth and development activities <br />toward areas supported by efficient public services at urban densities, <br />3. Providing working farms with an alternative income potential.. <br />4. Preserving the rural Orange County character and sense of place. <br />5. Protecting drinking water resources.. <br />6. Overarching balance and preservation of both rural and urban resources to create a <br />sustainable program of growth and identifying consfraints and potentials. <br />Objectives. To accomplish these goals the following objectives could be posed: <br />1. Direct growth and development activities away from important natural and cultural <br />resources.. <br />2. Shift growth and development activities to areas more able to support municipal services <br />and urban densities. <br />3. Provide working farms with an altemative income potential. <br />4. Link zoning densities to comprehensive plan goals and objectives,. <br />Legal Framework <br />Proposed Policy. Within the, fiameworlr of the North Cm~olina State Constitution, Orange County <br />supports acrd encourages the preservation of working farmlands and the protection of public <br />drinking water quality through nrnovative zoning techniques with a sensitivity to private property <br />rights, through a voluntary program of G•ansferring private development rights or densities <br />(TDR). Srrch a TDR progr°anr will continue to prrotect and safeguard the public health, safety, arrd <br />welfare of the citizerrs• of Ormrge County, its natural mrd cultural heritage and the needs of a free <br />real estate mmket place in Orange County.. <br />Reconeneendations,froue OWASA study. <br />Seek consideration by Canboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange County for Transfer of Development <br />Rights (TDR) opportunities for Cane Creek property owners. With appropriate enabling <br />legislation, these jurisdictions could establish higher density "receiving areas" in which <br />developers could exercise development rights (density bonuses) purchased directly from property <br />owners in the watershed. OWASA and its customers would benefit fiom decreased density in the <br />watershed; Cane Creek property owners would benefit from TDR payments in return for' <br />additional (voluntary) development restrictions; and in-town developers would benefit through <br />density bonuses in designated areas. All fransactions would remain in the private sector. <br />Potential Active Statements. <br />• Work with the Orange County state representatives and senators to sponsor legislation to <br />enable local North Carolina governments to establish a voluntary TDR program. <br />• After review and reconunendation from the TDR Task Foroe and the Planning Board, the <br />Board of County Commissioners will adopt the Orange County TDR program. <br />Concepts. The following concepts should be defined: <br />• Possible receiving zone(s), Affordable housing, <br />GRB <br />