Orange County NC Website
Revisions made to SAPFOTAC report by the <br />Orange County Planning Department in response to <br />Commissioner Gordon's May 25, 2004 Fax (see attached) <br />Orange County Plarana'rzg Director° General Con:rnent.~ The SAPFOTAC report is <br />a "snapshot" of November, 2003; therefore, all references and charts reflect <br />November, 200.3 information. At that time, Chapel HilUCarrboro's third high <br />school was slated to open in 2006-2007. New information has now been received <br />that the new high school is not expected to open unti12007-2008.. Changes will <br />likely be made to the CIP to reflect the new timefiarne if the date remains 2007- <br />2008 when the next SAPFOTAC report is written. <br />Executive Summary <br />Page i - LC.: Membership Date was changed from November 14, 200.3 to November 15, <br />200.3 as noted in the MOU. November 15, 200.3 was a Saturday, so Friday the 14°i was <br />used. <br />Page i - IhC.: Language was added to the title of the chart to clarify that the chart <br />depicts an increase or decrease in membership projection total between the prior year and <br />the current year. <br />Orange Cour¢ry PZarnting Director's Cwnnzerzts, This chart does not show an <br />increase or decrease in the growth rate between projections of 2002 and <br />projections of 2003. The growth rate projections shown on pages 35 and .36 of the <br />report show individual year annual growth rates but may not illustrate an overall <br />positive correlation with a cumulative effect on the 5 yeaz-out total. <br />This 5-year timefiame is a good plamiing period in which to respond tlu-ough <br />capital investment programming (funding sources, design, and construction). <br />Page i - IhD.: A title was added to the chart to clarify that the percentages shown are the <br />average amiual growth rates over 10 years, <br />Page ii -The word "currently" was added to 4 of the 6 Item "A"s on this page to clarify <br />the timeframe. <br />Page ii - Item B of each school level: Language was changed to indicate in which <br />direction the growth rate is moving over the next 5 years. Inmost cases, growth has <br />exhibited a positive percentage growth rate (eg: 2.5%). When a new projection year <br />shows an increase in the growth rate (ie: 2.7%), we are reporting that there has been an <br />increase in the increase (positive) growth rate. In one case, the OCMS 2002 projection <br />average four-year annualized growth rate was a -0..78% decrease or negative in value. <br />Page 1 of.3 <br />