Orange County NC Website
Definition of "Liaison" <br />Excerpt <br />AMENDED: APRIL 20. 2004 <br />RESOLUTION <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />APPOINTMENT AND ORIENTATION <br />PROCESS FOR <br />BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />B. <br />WHEREAS, it is the statutory duty of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, as the <br />governing body of Orange County, to appoint persons to various boards and commissions to <br />assist in the operation of county government; .. . <br />6. The County Commissioner "Liaison" assigned to a board or commission shall <br />serve the following roles: <br />1. To communicate with the board or commission when County Commissioner <br />communication is needed and to serve as the primary two-way communications <br />channel between Commissioners and the board or commission. <br />2. To participate in filling vacancies and reviewing applications. <br />3. To serve as the primary formal Commissioner contact, and/or to be invited to <br />attend/participate as needed. <br />4. To resolve questions the board or commission may have about the role of <br />County Commissioners, county government, and the board or commission. <br />5. To establish formal or informal contact with the chairperson of the board or <br />commission and effectively communicate the role of the liaison. <br />6. To provide procedural direction and relay the Commissioners' position to the <br />board or commission, and communicate to the board or commission that the <br />liaison's role is not to direct the board/commission in its activities or work. <br />