Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 2 <br />Sandra Johnson ~~ <br />Education: <br />EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE: BSBA--Mississippi College, 1993, majored in <br />Accounting and Business Admin. Currently enrolled in Duke University--Master of <br />Arts/Liberal Studies graduate program focusing on social issues. Master of Arts, Duke <br />University <br />BSBA, Mississippi College--Accounting/Business Admin. <br />Other Comments: <br />Called to renew application on 12/6/2004 applied for Orange County Planning Board and <br />the Recreation and Parks Adv. Council, The quality of life in Orange County is important <br />to me and the residents in my neighborhood. Giving back some of my time to the county <br />via a volunteer position is not just an honor for me, but it it is a cammittment to my <br />community, I would serve as a responsible, dedicated member of a volunteer board. <br />Applied 11/28/00 for the Library Task Force, Recreation and Parks Advisory Council, and <br />The Orange County Board of Adjustment. OTHER COMMENTS: I am interested in <br />giving time to my community to keep it a good place to live not only now but for the <br />future, While I would be willing to serve on most any committee that involves Orange <br />County, I believe attendance at meetings is extremely important. I would be unable to <br />attend daytime meetings or meetings on Monday nights at this time. I could occasionally <br />meet during the day, if the meeting was a monthly meeting. Weekly day time meetings <br />would not be possible. Thank you for considering my application. If appointed, I would <br />serve with interest and enthusiasm, Addrs.conf./1/8/01/ocpd.9/27/01 Renewed app, <br />returned interest letter sent out Sept 3, 2001, Aa <br />This application was current on: 9/27/2001 Date Printed: 12/7/2004 <br />