Agenda - 06-02-2004-7b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-2004
Agenda - 06-02-2004-7b
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8/29/2008 8:10:04 PM
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8/29/2008 10:42:42 AM
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Funding for the AFV Incentive Project is provided tlu~ough the North Carolina Department of <br />Administration State Energy Office. <br />Eligible vehicle and fleet operators azrd fuel providers may apply for funding through this <br />prograzn to offset a portion of the added cost incurred with alternative fuel use. Funding will be <br />awarded based on criteria outlined below. Applicants must demonstrate a 50% minimum cost <br />share contribution to the proposed projects. Cost share is the portion of the project cost that <br />the applicant provides. No more than 50% of the cost of the eligible projects will be funded. Cost <br />share percentage will be based on incremental cost or total project cost as outlined in the <br />exaznples below. Applicants must state the total cost of their alternative fuel project along with <br />their cost-share contribution and will be granted a specific, not-to-exceed amount of funding <br />based on their proposal. Cost share contributions will be reviewed in a case by case manner. <br />Both cash azrd in-kind contributions, such as existing infrastructure and administrative time, may <br />be included as a cost share contribution. Cash contributions will be given more value over in- <br />kind contributions unless in-kind contributions are supporting publicly available refueling sites. <br />The following examples can serve as guidelines: <br />o For the purchase of biodiesel and E85, the applicant must demonstrate a minimum of <br />50% of the cost difference, or incremental cost, between the alternative fuel azrd its <br />conventional counterpart (diesel or gasoline). This cost share can be demonstrated <br />though the achial cash contributed towards the incremental purchase price of the biofuel <br />and/or by the value of the refueling infrastructure used to dispense the alternative fuel. <br />Actual cash contributions offered towards the incremental costs of the proposed fuel will <br />be valued higher than an in-kind contribution based on the value of refueling <br />infrastructure unless refueling is publicly accessible. the applicant must clearly state and <br />describe the value of cost share contribution in the application. <br />o For the purchase of AFVs that have a conventional counterpart, applicants must <br />demonstrate a minimum of a 50% cost share contribution towards the incremental cost.. <br />For example the cost difference between a gasoline Honda Civic and a compressed <br />natural gas (CNG) Civic is $4,500. Consequently, applicants are eligible to receive up to <br />$2,250 to offset the costs of purchasing this vehicle and are expected to demonstrate at <br />least $2,250 as a cost-share contribution, <br />o For vehicles that have no conventional counterpart, up to 25% of the total purchase price <br />is eligible for reimbursement ifthe AFV is purchased instead of a conventionally fueled <br />vehicle.. For example, a low speed electric vehicle purchased for $12,000 instead of an <br />on-road gasoline vehicle is eligible for up to $3,000 reimbursement. Consequently <br />$9,000 can be demonstrated as a cost-share contribution. Applicants must explain how <br />the proposed vehicle will be used in place of a conventional vehicle., <br />o Existing vehicles that are being retrofitted must provide fora 50% minimum towazds the <br />retrofit costs. For exaznple, if the cost ofretroftting an existing gasoline vehicle to <br />operate on propane is $7,000, then $3,500 is eligible for reimbursement and a minimum <br />of $.3,500 must be demonstrated as a cost-share contribution. The residual value of <br />existing vehicles cazmot be used as cost share contributions for vehicle conversions. <br />Priority will be given to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) vehicles.. <br />o For refueling appliances such as tank, pumps and apparatus used to refuel AFVs, a 50% <br />minimum of the total oroiect costs must be demonstrated as project cost-share and up to <br />50% are eligible for reimbursement. When upgrading or retrofitting existing refueling <br />appliances, a portion of the value of the existing infrastructure maybe used as an in-kind <br />cost-share contribution. The value of this contribution must be clearly demonstrated and <br />
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