Orange County NC Website
Pnnotpa] Madeleine Cmmmet Title: Educational Resources m Chapel HiiUCatrboro end Change County~rl <br />Investigator: ___ School_Systems: Description --/~~„' <br />t2. Does the proposal involve Subcontractors (for which funds are requested)? No12. <br />a. If yes, please list the names below and attach the following Subcontract information to the IPF: <br />1) Statement of Work, 2) budget, 3) budget justification, 4) If NIB, include the 398 and 2590 face page <br />and checklist, S) ff not NIIi, then attach a letter from subcontractor signed by an authorized official <br />13. Does the proposal require any equipment ^ personnel (~ or space ^ in addition to existing resources? No 13 _ J <br />2. If yes, have the appropriate officers of the institution agreed that it can be provided within the limits YeslNo 13a. <br />of the funds being requested? <br />b. If the proposal requires the purchase of equipment, have you determined the equipment Yes/No 13b. <br />is not available at your campus for this project? <br />14. Does this project involve carrying out classified research on campus or require a security clearance for No 14. <br />UNC-CH personnel? Ifyes, contact the UNC-CH Vice-Chancellor for Research and Economic Deve]opment <br />(Press FI for contact i'.nformation) <br />I5. Benefits to North Carolina <br />a. All sponsored Programs provide benefits in the sense of institutiotial support, employment, training of students, and <br />the economic multiplier effect (i.e., university, employee, student, and visitor spending). However, this question <br />addresses projects that emphasize benefits to North Carolina citizens beyond the immediate university community. <br />In particular, will this proposal (Please chalk all that apply): <br />i. ®Affect economic development in North Carolina? <br />ii. ®Provide community services in North Carolina? <br />iii. ®Address the general education, health, or welfare ofNorth Carolina citizens? <br />iv. [] Involve research with an htstitute or Center? <br />16. Location of Sponsored Activities (Please check all that apply): <br />a. ®Sponsored Activity occurs in North Carolina: Ctty: County: <br />Chanel Hi1UCarrbo~ O~apge <br />b. [~ Sponsored Activity occurs outside of North CaroLna Two letter state <br />_s_~ <br />but within the United States: abbreviation (s): <br />c. ^Sponsored Acfivity occurs outside of the I7nited States: Name of eanntty: <br />d. [] Sponsored Activity occurs on campus: ~- <br />If Sponsored Activity does not occur on campus, check one of the following: <br />i. ®Sponsored Activities occurs within a 10-mile radius of campus. <br />ii. [] Sponsored Activity occurs outside a 10-mile radius of campus. <br />17. Does this II'F require attachments? (Please check all that a ! No 17. <br />rSignatureJl,ocatlon Addeadnm ^ Reguest for Fending [] YRB/IACUC ^ Suhconteactor <br />As the PI, I understand that I am ultimately responsible for the study and its seiendfie, adminishative, fiscal and ethical <br />performance, subject to University review and oversight, and in accordance with all relevant state and federal regulations, <br />University policies and contractual obligations. I certify that all information on the form and the application is both accurate <br />and complete. Sign: Date: <br />Principal Investigator. ~ Madelejtte Grumet ~)~ ,,._,/. B . `_ ~ /r7~.. ___- /~. ~ c-~., ~,i~ <br />I have reviewed this application and agree that the PI is appropriately qualified for performance of this project; it1Sa it is an <br />appropriate activity within the Department/Center/Institute; and that the Department/Center/Institute has agreed to provide <br />arty Deparmtent/Center/Institute resources identified in this application. <br />c:.,... <br />T_a <br /> <br />Department <br />Dttector: __ <br /> <br /> <br />~ - wya. <br />~ ~~~~_ L[LLG. <br />Director of ~`~"~~"-'~'°~ `~ <br />Institute/Center: ___ <br />~~_ <br />Dean of School: Thomas lames ~ ~ ~~ r5~ i7~a <br />Chancellor or <br />Deli ee: Tony G, Waldrop, PhD <br />~ <br /> ._.____._.,.~.~, b <br />j <br />~mce oL ~ponsorea Research !PF v 1,4 /) 2 _ <br />