Orange County NC Website
:.;~ <br />.VA'y-tY~W.y~ :hN . <br />.~i~yC~~t~~4 <br />~'' Y 4`L,,5~~ u'la'r <br />W o r l d <br />C l a s s <br />Region <br />Mr. John Link, <br />Orange County <br />PO Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, N <br />Dear Ivh•. L.inlc <br />°TF~IAi~G~~ J C®UNCIL ®F G®V~RNII~ENTS <br />4222 Emperor Boulevard ~ Durham, NC 27703 <br />Mailing Address: Pd. Box 12276 <br />Research Triangle Park, NC ZJ709 <br />April 16, 2004 919 549 0551 vnx 919.549 9390 <br />County Manager <br />orth Carolina 27278-8181 <br />SUBJECT: Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update for Orange County <br />I have recently been contacted by the North Carolina Department of'Transportation's Triangle Planning <br />Unit Supervisor; Mr. Scott Walston, concerning the need for comprehensive transportation and <br />thoroughfare plan updates. Mr Walston is currently identifying and prioritizing his Unit's work <br />activities for Fiscal Year 2005. <br />It will remain the responsibility of the NCDOT's Transportation Planning Branch to conduct the <br />comprehensive updates for county thoroughfare plans. The most recent thoroughfare plan report for <br />Orange County was published in 1990.. Any prospective update of this plan and its associated <br />thoroughfare plan map will require the muhral approval of the NCDOT and Orange County.. Should you <br />desire the NCDOT's consideration for an update of this plan to begin during Fiscal Year 2005, it is <br />recommended that you infornz Mr. Walston of your specific interest in writing. <br />Please remember that a comprehensive transportation plan for Orange County will be a separate <br />requirement from the long-range transportation plan for the Triangle Area Rura] Planning Organization <br />Region. -this latter item will be a twenty-five year, multi-modal plan for the four county RPO region. it <br />will be developed from the available county transportation and thoroughfare plans and fronT other <br />pertinent resources.. <br />For your ready reference, Mr Walston's address is as follows: Scott Walston, P E ,Triangle Planning <br />Supervisor, Transportation Planning Branch, NCDOT, 1554 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North <br />Carolina, 27699-1554. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions conceling this matter <br />(telephone 919-558-940Z). <br />Sincerely, <br />Pat Strong, PE <br />Rural Transportation Planner <br />Cc Mr. Craig Benedict <br />,GMs Karen Lincoln <br />4 <br />~~ <br />