Agenda - 06-02-2004-5h
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-2004
Agenda - 06-02-2004-5h
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8/29/2008 8:10:45 PM
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8/29/2008 10:42:39 AM
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2004 S Revenue- Town of Chapel Hill Billing & Collection of Fees for Proposed Chapel Hill Stormwater Utility
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
Minutes - 20040602
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2004
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<br />SCHEDULE A <br />AI)- SERVICES <br />• Billing will be established with ownership record of January 1 of each given year.. <br />Expectations are that the database provided by the TOWN would use the same <br />ownership/existence timeframe. <br />• Cost for billing exempt properties, persons qualifying for homestead exemptions <br />acid disabled veterans, et al, would be at the cost of the TOWN.. <br />• Expectations are that the data set from the TOWN will be compatible with the <br />COUNTY billing record, Non-matches will be resolved by TOWN staff. All <br />matters related to calculation of impervious surface as it relates to fee calculation <br />ate entirely the responsibility of the TOWN, <br />• Expectations are that any "corrections" to the record after billing will be handled <br />by the COUNTY tlm-ough the written direction of the TOWN. Any resulting <br />refunds will be issued by the TOWN, at the expense of the TOWN, directly to the <br />persons entitled to the refunds,. <br />• The TOWN will provide to the COLINTY Assessor and Revenue offices contact <br />individuals within the TOWN employment to deal with customer complaints or <br />concerns.. <br />• It is anticipated that the TOWN will enter into an extensive education process <br />with their citizens prior to billing, <br />• It is expected that the TOWN will provide training to COUNTY employees of the <br />Assessor and Revenue departments on the origins and need for the charge. <br />• The COUNTY will provide the one time billing, receipt and distribution of fluids, <br />but will not be responsible for collection or legal recourse through the ,judicial <br />system. <br />• The TOWN will pay all costs described herein on a quarterly basis. The <br />COUNTY will bill in conjunction with the tax revenue billing. <br />• The TOWN agrees should the COUNTY upgrade or change software within the <br />Taxation Systems, the TOWN will bear the equivalent expense of any customized <br />software necessary to continue handling the Stormwater Management Utility Fee. <br />• The TOWN agrees the personnel costs can change on a yearly basis due to <br />anticipated pay increases due to cost of living and performance increases. The <br />COUNTY will propose those changes to the TOWN allowing reasonable time for <br />consideration during the amoral budget development. <br />• The TOWN agrees to handle all billing, receipt and distribution of Stormwater <br />Management Utility Fee for those properties within the Town and not within <br />Orange County. <br />
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