Orange County NC Website
APPLYCwt7ON APProved: <br />PUBLIC SCHOOL SUEL.DINtx~ CAP{TAL FUND Date: <br /> <br />County: <br />AddreSS. <br />branue <br />Ppst Office fox 8781 Hillsborough NC ?~~8 O <br />Contact: Donna Dean <br />title: BudgeLDirector <br />School Admin Unit: orange Coun ,hoots Phone: qty) 245.2151 <br />Project Tilla: 003-04 Debt Service - Mrl7ouole Elemantarv School <br />location: <br />Type of Facility; <br />G-S. 115C • 546.2(4) "Counties shall use monlas. in the Fund 9or capital pulley projects inciutling the planning, <br />construction, recanetruction, enlargement, improvement. repair, of renavaticn of public school buildings and for the <br />purchase oP land for public school buildings; for equipment to irnplemant a local school technology plan that is approved <br />pursuant to G.S t 15C-t o2.6C; or for both- Monies used to Implement a local school technology plan shall be transferred <br />to the State School Technology Fund and allocated by that Fund to the local school administrative unit for aquipmenL As <br />used In this secdon, "public school buildings" only Includes facilities for Individual schools that are used for instructional <br />and related purposes and tloas not iltClude centraii2ad administration, malntonance, or other facilities." <br />Debi Service payments for private placement loan for construction of <br />Short Description oP Construction Project; McDougle Elementary School in the Chapel Hiii Carrhon? Coy SCnooffi <br />District <br />Project Band Amount <br />Construction of McDougle Elamertfary School 9.600.000 <br />Estimated Coats: SGste <br />Purchase of Land <br />Planning <br />Construction <br />Renovation <br />Enlargement <br />Repair <br />School Technology <br />FY 2003.04 Debt i 046 5 <br />Service Payment ~ `-~~ <br />Tatar 51,046',509 <br />Local Total <br />"343 ,fj~3~ 1 95 346 <br />5348,836 51,395,345 <br />91d DatesNandors <br />ConEracts Signad/Datsa <br />Estimated dale of beginning of construction <br />Estimated date of completion <br />Match: The matching funds of on6 dollar of loyal funds for every three dollars of state funds era from <br />(source): roe tax <br />5348,636 of the matching }unds have bean expended for/date/description: <br />Dote P [ ose <br />7/1 5 /247 0 3 Debt Service <br />7/15/2003 Debt Service <br />Reporting We, the Undersigned, agme to submit a 9tatament of state/local amounts expended for this project <br />requiroments: within 60 days of completion of the project <br />The County Commiselgners and the Ba9rd of Education do hereby jointly request opproval o} the above project antl <br />request release of 902 000 from the PUbllc School Building Capital Fund. We certify that the project herein described 16 <br />within the parameters of 116C-546.2(4) and that all o} the match is available and designated as match of this project. <br />Date ~~ <br />Date <br />