Orange County NC Website
Even with recent collaborative efforts between the energy providers and the NC Governor's <br />office (affirmed by the Council of State on December 6) that will result in additional funds of <br />$3,4 million to address the needs of low-income families this winter, Social Services still <br />anticipates a need for additional local funds to serve needy families in Orange County. The <br />amount of new funds to be made available to DS5 directly as a result of the Governor's action <br />is not known yet; however, staff estimates $30,000-$40,000 will be provided, Additional funds <br />contributed by the energy providers are disbursed by the state to local partner agencies; i.e., <br />IFC and OCIM for administration. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The chart below provides a summary of current as well as projected <br />increases to the total funds administered by DSS far emergency assistance, including the <br />requested amount of $102, 86,5, as requested in this abstract, <br /> ngma i Iona - ewse ource o <br />Account Budget Appropriation Budget Appropriation <br />Crisis Intervention <br />Program $135,035 $23,965 $159,000 State Funds <br />Emergency <br />Assistance(TANF) $110,000 $0 $110,000 <br /> ,ounty mica ee s <br />General Assistance $112,000 $102,865 $214,865 Reserve Funds <br />Total: $357,035 $126,830 $483,865 <br />Commissioners appropriated $440,000 to the Critical Needs Reserve far fiscal year 2005-06, <br />To date, the Board has authorized appropriations from the Reserve totaling $128,968, leaving <br />an unallocated balance of $311,032. (If the Board approves the allocation of $19,739 from the <br />Critical Needs Reserve for the C.JPP Grant Acceptance on the Consent agenda for tonight's <br />meeting, the unallocated balance would be $291,293.) <br />With the approval of $102,865 to help address increased emergency needs of low-income <br />families due to rising energy costs and increased numbers of eligible families, $188,428 would <br />remain in the Reserve fund. Should the Board approve this appropriation, budget staff will bring <br />forward a budget amendment at the next BOCC meeting to transfer $102,865 from the Reserve <br />to the Department of Social Services Budget. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the transfer of <br />$102,865 from the Critical Needs Reserve Fund to the Department of Social Services to be <br />used for emergency assistance. <br />