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adjacent to the County's existing public works buildings/work areas for a portion of County <br />property south of the existing entrance drive) has also been an important topic of discussion. <br />Three iterative maps have been developed to provide a graphic description of the park and <br />adjacent land characteristics and potential uses overlaid on aerial photography that shows the <br />juxtaposition of existing forested and cleared areas, housing, roads, infrastructure, etc. The <br />initial map iteration, Alternative I, represents the staff group's first effort at delineating existing <br />conditions and potential desirable uses. The second map iteration, Alternative II, though very <br />similar to the initial iteration, does reflect Hillsborough's preference for an increase in the size of <br />the area designated for Hillsborough public works development with a corresponding decrease <br />in the size of the area (containing high value hardwood forest) targeted for preservation and low <br />impact recreation. The third and final map iteration, Alternative III, continues to reflect the <br />Town's desire for a larger public works site but also addresses the problematic location of active <br />recreation uses on areas historically used far landfill activities. Alternative III shows a <br />reconfiguration of the areas proposed for County public works expansion, inactive and active <br />park recreation, and Town public works development to allow the active recreation to be <br />developed in an area where no landfill activities have occurred. <br />All iterations assume a buffer area (approximately 50 feet wide) across the southern end of the <br />Town's property and the existing County Public Works property to separate public works <br />activities from the adjacent residential area of the Fairview community. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />® review the Fairview Park alternatives, mindful of potential implications relative to <br />developing park activities on landfill areas, fulfilling recreational activity commitments, <br />and addressing Town and County interests in other potential uses of the property, and <br />® direct County staff as to how the Board wishes the staff to proceed. <br />