Orange County NC Website
<br />Memorandum <br />Excess Capacity Credit Palicy <br />November 3, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br />the availability fee surcharge applies, the balance of any credits to be disbursed, <br />and the term of the excess capacity credit remaining. Options available far <br />addressing the sewer excess capacity issue include: <br />i) the sewer availability fee surcharge applies anly to cannections made to or <br />benefiting from sewer mains extended within the undeveloped basins, <br />2) the sewer availability fee surcharge applies to all new sewer cannections <br />made to the public sewer system regardless of where in the system those <br />connections are made, or <br />3) na credits will be provided for any oversized sewer extension, <br />Upon completion of the Board discussian and concurrence with the principles to <br />be applied, staff will develop an excess capacity credit policy document for the <br />Board's review and adoption. <br />Should there be any questions about the information presented, please do nat <br />hesitate to contact me. <br />John W. Greene, P.E. <br />General Manager of Operations <br />Attachments <br />