Orange County NC Website
~o <br />FXAMPL)/ OF AN iuXC];SS CAPACITY CR1i;DIT PROGRAM <br />The Project: <br />A developer proposes to construct a 200 unit single family development on a 100 acre parcel <br />within the Urban Services Boundary (Project B). Each unit will contain .3 bedrooms. Based on <br />potential growth of the area OWASA's Master Plan identified the need fora 16" water main <br />and a 16" sewer main to be installed in the area of this development. The developer will be <br />required to install 2,000 feet of off-site 16" water main and 4,000 feet of off-site 16" sewer <br />177a1i7. <br />Base Size: <br />Based on a review of the development, it is determined that an 8 inch water main would <br />support the domestic water and fire flow requirements of this development. Sewer service <br />could be provided through an 8 inch sewer main. Since an 8" water and sewer main would <br />support the development and OWASA's Master Plan indicates the need fora 16" water and <br />sewer main in this area, the developer would be eligible for a credit on a portion of the cost for <br />the t 6" water and sewer main extensions, <br />Determination of the Credit: <br />The amount of the credit world be based on the difference between the cost of extending an 8 <br />inch water and/or sewer main and the cost of extending a 16 inch water and/or sewer main. <br />Based on bid documents and developer construction cost documents, staff has developed the <br />following unit cost(s) for determining the eligible credits. <br />Water Main Cost <br /> <br />Main Size ---------- <br />Cost er• Foot <br />8" $105.00 <br />12" $12s.oo <br />16" $150.00 <br />24" $200.00 <br />Determination of Cost Differential: <br />Water: 8 inch cost = $IOS.00/ft. <br />16 inch cost = $150.00/ft. <br />Cost Differential = $ 45.00/ft. <br />Elii;ible Credit to Developer: <br />Water - 2,000 ft. times $45..00 = $ 90,000 <br />Sewer - 4,000 ft times $66.00 = $260,000 <br />Disbursement of Credits: <br />Sewer Main Cost <br /> <br />Main Size ..---- <br />_ Costper Foot <br />8" $150.00 <br />12" $180.00 <br />16" $215.00 <br />24" $250.00 <br />Sewer: 8 inch cost = $150.00/ft. <br />16 inch cost = $215.00/ft. <br />Cost Differential - $ 65.00/ft. <br />Por the oversized water extension the developer' would be credited the entire $90,000 sum in a <br />single lump sum upon dedication of the water main to OWASA. <br />