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214 <br />e) The facility shall be accessed by a road or driveway adequate iri <br />width to accommodate the proposed traffic and of all-weather <br />construction. <br />f) Road access to the facility shall be adequately secured by means <br />of gates, berms, fences, etc. to prevent unauthorized access except <br />when an operator is on duty. <br />g) If the facility is located more than 500 feet from adjacent roadways <br />or adjacent properties no buffer is required. A 100-foot wide Type <br />A landscaped buffer shall be provided between the Land Clearing <br />Waste Facility and State-maintained roadways or adjacent <br />properties if the facility is less than 500 feet from adjacent <br />roadways or adjacent properties. The landscaped buffer may be <br />located outside of the two (2) acre site. <br />h) Boundary limits of the facility shall be clearly identified by <br />monuments, fencing, iron pins, concrete markers, or any <br />combination thereof. <br />i) The facility shall not be located within required stream buffers, <br />floodways, floodplains, utility easements, or septic system repair <br />areas. <br />j) The facility shall not be lighted. <br />k) The operator of the facility shall submit and receive approval of an <br />erosion control plan with each application for a land clearing waste <br />facility. In addition to the erosion control plan the following <br />regulations shall be required: <br />1) Land Clearing Waste shall be restricted to the smallest area <br />feasible and compacted as densely as practical into cells. <br />2) One (1) foot of soil cover shall be applied monthly, or when the <br />active area reaches one acre in size, whichever occurs first. <br />3) 120 calendar days after completion of any phase of disposal <br />operations, or upon revocation of a permit, the disposal area <br />shall be covered with a minimum of one foot of suitable soil <br />cover sloped to allow surface water runoff in a controlled <br />manner. <br />4) County approved erosion control measures, structures, or <br />devices shall be utilized to prevent silt from leaving the site <br />and to prevent on-site erosion. <br />G:\CunentPlanning Division\Dave\OrdinancesU.CWF Ordinance.doc <br />