Orange County NC Website
~3 <br />exercise due caution in the use, maintenazrce, protection, and preservation of such <br />property during the contract period. Upon the expiration of this contract, all <br />County property shall be returned to County within 10 working days, <br />XII. Payment and Utilization of Funds <br />A. FH agrees that monies to be paid by the County are contingent upon receipt by <br />the County of a Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) grant for these <br />services from the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal .Justice <br />Partnership Program and the obligation of the County under this contract is <br />reduced, dollar for dollar, by the amount of any reduction in the State grant. <br />B. The County agrees to reimburse OPC for the services provided pursuant to <br />this contract up to the amount of $55,102 for the period beginning July 1, <br />2005 and ending June 30, 2006. <br />C, FH shall invoice the County by the 10`h business day of'each month for <br />contract expenses paid in the previous calendar month,. The County agrees to <br />reimburse FH for all reimbursable expenses invoiced by August 15, 2006, The <br />invoice shall include fees for all services provided by FH, including <br />administrative fees. <br />D. County shall pay FH by check within thirty days. <br />E. In the event that FH expends any funds pursuant to this contract for the <br />provision of services to the intermediate offender population, and such funds <br />are subsequently determined by the North Cazalina Depaztment of Corrections <br />Criminal Justice Paztnership Program to be non-reimbursable, such costs <br />shall be considered non-reimbursable by the County, <br />F. FH agrees that all payments made by the County on behalf of a member of the <br />intermediate offender population who is receiving services from FH shall be <br />credited towards the account of that offender. FH further agrees that if a <br />member of the intermediate offender population is eligible for benefits from <br />any private health benefits plan or other government-sponsored health benefits <br />plan, then FH shall only invoice the County for that portion of the cost of <br />services not reimbursed by such other health benefits plan. <br />XIII. FH agrees to submit program activity information on a monthly basis to the <br />Partnership and the Division of Community Correction. <br />XfV, FH and the County understand that this contract in no way assures or implies <br />continuation of funding or the provision of services beyond the term of this <br />contract. <br />XV. FH is not an employee or agent of the County for any purpose including but not <br />limited to compensation for services, employee welfare and pension benefits, <br />worker's compensation insurance, or any other fringe benefits of employment. <br />