Orange County NC Website
is <br />period of this contract, either tinder the new policy or a combination of old and <br />new policies. <br />FH is responsible for its acts and the errors and omissions of its principals, agents, <br />officers, directors, employees, licensees, and invitees or other third parties that <br />enter FH premises. FH agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the <br />County from any act or omission of FH, its principals, agents, officers, directors, <br />employees, licensees, and invitees or' other third parties that enter FH premises, <br />and FH agrees to indemnify the County from any and all losses, damages, costs <br />and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) caused by or arising out of an <br />act, omission, fault, negligence or other misconduct of FH, its principals, agents, <br />officers, directors, employees, licensees, and invitees or other third parties that <br />enter FH premises which occurs in connection with this contract.. <br />X, FH agrees to record all Administrative Costs and all Costs of Services provided to <br />the intermediate offender population following generally accepted fund <br />accounting procedures.. To the extent allowed bylaw, FH agrees that the County <br />may, at its sole discretion, perform an annual audit of the project which shall <br />comply with the requirements of the Single Audit Act of 1984 and be made <br />available for inspection by the County staff, The County, or any of its duly <br />authorized representatives, shall, to the extent allowed by law, have access for the <br />purpose of audit and examination to any books, documents, papers, and records <br />that pertain to this project. To the extent allowed by law, if as a result of <br />inspection of the audit, any project expenditure is disallowed the County may, at <br />its sole discretion, reduce the amount of any expenditure under this contract by <br />the amount disallowed or demand repayment, FH agrees to submit program <br />activity information to the Information Management System (IMS) database of <br />the Criminal .Iustice Partnership Program immediately after each Client contact. <br />FH further agrees to raintain adequate documentation to support all costs billed <br />to County pursuant to this contract. Such records and supporting documentation <br />must be retained and available for audit purposes, Adequate documentation is <br />defined as follows for eaclr major budget category: <br />A. Administrative: Documentation must include time and attendance records, <br />payroll periods, payment rate and a brief description of the services provided, <br />Reports must be signed by FH's Executive Director or his/her designee. This <br />requirement applies to all personnel paid from funds obtained by FH pursuant <br />Co this contract. <br />B. Supplies and Other Operating Expenses and Equipment, Documentation must <br />include purchase order authorization and audited vendor invoices approved by <br />FH's Executive Director or his/her designee. FH further agrees to maintain a <br />current inventory of all County-owned equipment in its possession. <br />XI. Title to all property acquired in whole or in part with contract fiords in accordance <br />with an approved budget and other requirements set by the County shall be held at <br />all times by the County and may not be reassigned, Such property must be <br />marked as the property of the County with an appropriate tag or sign. FH shall <br />4 <br />