Orange County NC Website
145 <br />Coordination with County Departments <br />The infrastructure associated with wireless telecommunication facilities is inherently <br />essential to the efficient operation of a number of County departments. Emergency <br />Medical Services needs to maintain quality wireless service throughout the County. The <br />Sheriff's and fire departments have similar needs. Information Systems also desires to <br />provide quality communication-based technology services, a goal shared by other public <br />agencies in and around Orange County. The MTP provides valuable information <br />concerning the present state and future needs of emergency and other communications <br />networks of public concern. <br />Establish MTP Goals, Policy, and Applicable Action Steps <br />The plan will: <br />• Identify public, private and semi-public properties for the overall public benefit <br />that may be suitable for' telecommunication facility sites <br />• Develop cooperation with telecommunication facility stakeholders to encourage <br />collocation. <br />• Limit the number of future tower sites by identifying available sites for <br />communications facilities, <br />Policy Statement. The County supports tJze conservative application of inzpr°oved <br />wireless commurzicatiorz technologies within its bomuiaries. While retaining and <br />enhancing its local zoning authority and its sensitivity to community concerns, the <br />County provides public and private property owners, conununications service provider°s <br />arzd other interested citizens acrd parties with irzforrrzation that rrzay help guide the pr°oper <br />siting of commurzicatiorzs facilities arul meet Zorzirzg Ordinance standards tTzat are <br />designed to safeguard the public health, safety arzd welfare of County residents. <br />Applicable Action Steps. <br />• Continue to schedule an annual meeting of wireless communication providers to <br />discuss and identify the location of existing and possible future collocated <br />communications facilities. <br />• Maintain an inventory of existing towers, utility poles and other suitable <br />stnzctures, antennas and co-locations. <br />• Determine, with respect to existing MTP sites, whether zoning compliance exists, <br />whether all applicable permits and leases have been obtained from the service <br />providers in the County and whether the permits remain current. <br />• Explore opportunities to research and include within the MTP information <br />concerning areas andrssues of cultural and environmental concern. <br />• Receive and process applications from public and private property owners for <br />inclusion or removal from the MTP of properties that may serve as potential sites <br />for collocated telecommunication facilities. <br />