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3 <br />STANDARD GRANT AWARD CONTRACT AND C®NDITI(~NS <br />(Ymplementation and Discretionary Funds) <br />North Carolina Department of Correction <br />Division of Community Corrections <br />Criminal Justice Partnership Program <br />THIS GRANT AWARD CONTRACT IS MADE AND ENTERED INTO <br />this day of , 2005, between the North Carolina Deparhnent of <br />Correction Criminal .Justice Partnership Program, Grantor, and Oranse-Chatham Counties, <br />C rantee. <br />WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to award the Grantee a North Carolina Deparnnent of Correction <br />Criminal .lustice Partnership Program (hereinafter refened to as ANCDOCC.IPP_) grant, and the <br />Grantee desires to accept said grant, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY agreed as follows: <br />I. The Grantor pm'suant to NC G.S.a 143 B hereby awards a NCDOCCJPP grant in the amount <br />of $163,914 for the grant period of July 1, 2005 to June 30.2006 to become effective as set <br />forth below, and subject to the availability of funds appropriated by the North Carolina, <br />General Assembly. The Department of Correction reserves the right to reallocate funds as <br />managed by the Office of State Budget and Management under the Executive Budget Act, <br />II. The Grantee covenants and agrees that a grarrt awarded to the Grantee as a result of <br />submission of a NCDOCCJPP plan or application shall be subject to and incorporate the <br />conditions set forth herein, and rules, regulations, and policies of the NCDOCC.TPP. The <br />Grantee shall include provisions appropriate to carry out the purposes ofthese conditions in <br />all contracts of employment, consultants= agreements, and contracts issued under an <br />approved application.. This contract may not be amended or altered without the written <br />consent of both parties. <br />III. Applicable Rules/Regulations <br />A. Non-Supplanting Stipulation: The Grantee agrees that fluids awarded pursuant to this <br />contract will not be used to supplant or replace federal, state or local fiords otherwise <br />available for r°elated NCDOCCJPP-funded activities. <br />B. Fiscal Regulations: The fiscal administration of grants shall be subject to such further rules, <br />regulations, and policies concerning accotmting and records, payment of funds, cost <br />allowability, submission of financial reports, etc., as may be prescribed by the NCDOCC.TPP <br />consistent with the purposes and authorizations of NC G.S.3143B and 148. It is the further <br />responsibility of the Grantee to be aware of all rules, regulations, laws and policies of the <br />NCDOCC.JPP, now existing or hereafter promulgated or amended, pertaining to the <br />administration of programs and projects funded by the NCDOCC.JPP. <br />Page 1---.July 1, ?005 to .Itme 30, ?006 <br />