Agenda - 12-13-2005-5f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-13-2005
Agenda - 12-13-2005-5f
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8/29/2008 2:26:42 PM
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8/29/2008 10:42:23 AM
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~3 <br />Publication of documents or reports with grant Fiords beyond quantities required to meet <br />standard report requirements must be provided for in approved project plans or budgets or <br />otherwise approved by the NCDOCCIPP. <br />C. Publication Statements: The Grantee agrees that any publication (written, visual, or audio, <br />but excluding news releases, newsletters, and issue analyses) issued by the Grantee or by any <br />subcontractor describing programs or projects fimded in whole or in part with State funds, <br />shall contain the following statement: <br />"This project was supported by a grant provided by the NCDOCC.IPP Points of view or <br />opinions contained within this document are those of the author and do not necessarily <br />represent the official position or policies of the North Carolina Department of Correction <br />Criminal .Justice Partnership Program." <br />The Grantee also agrees that one copy of any such publication will be submitted to <br />NCDOCC,IPP to be placed on file and distributed as appropriate to other potential Grantees <br />or interested parties, The NCDOCCJPP may waive the requirement for submission of any <br />specific publication upon submission of a request providing justification from the Grantee.. <br />D. Project Income: AIi interest or other income earned by the Grantee with respect to grant <br />funds or as a result of conduct of the grant project (contributions from public or private <br />sources, sale of publications, client fees, registration fees, service charges on Fees, medical <br />or other insurance payments, divestment of property, disallowed costs, etc.) must be <br />accqunted for in program records, All income must be reported in the NCDOCCJPP project <br />income report, and if the project income report is approved by the NCDOCCJPP, such <br />income must be used to expand the scope of services in the approved budget and project plan <br />or state fiords must be reduced by the amount of the interest or income earned. <br />1;. Computerized system: If computer softtivare is produced under a gr-ant, the Grantee agrees <br />to make such available to NCDOCC.TPP for transfer to authorized users without cost other <br />than directly associated with the transfer, Systems must be documented in sufficient detail <br />to enable a competent data processing staff to adapt the system, or portions thereof; to usage <br />on a computer of similar size and configtuation, of any manufacturer. The Grantee further <br />agrees to provide complete copies of documentation to the NCDOCC.IPP, Documentation <br />will include but not be limited to system description, operation instructions, user instntctions, <br />program maintenance instruction, input forms, file description, report formats, program <br />listings and flow charts for the system and programs.. The Grantee agrees that whenever <br />possible all application programs will be written in order that they may be hansferred readily <br />to another authorized user. The Grantee agrees to avail himself/herself; to the maximum <br />practicable extent, of computer software already produced and available. <br />Page 11---.July 1, ?005 to June 30, ?006 <br />
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