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~a <br />B. Grant Termination: This vrant may be terminated or fiord payments suspended by the <br />Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Correction where there is a failure to comply <br />with the terms and conditions of the fol]owin~: <br />a, the approved plan and application and attaclunents; <br />b the grant award contract and specific conditions or requirements; <br />c any state or federal law to which compliance is required; <br />d any policies of the State of North Carolina or the NCDOCC.IPP; or <br />e, an audit report which includes audit exceptions not answered to the satisfaction of <br />the NCDOCC.TPP <br />Upon finding of failure to comply, the Director of the Division of Community Corrections <br />shall follow the procedure outlined in the statttte governing the program (NC G S §1=13B- <br />?73,3), <br />VII. Employee Activities <br />A. Conflict of Interest: No individual, public official, or employee of a state or unit of local <br />government to which a NCDOCCTPP funded project is awarded may participate in an <br />admnustrative decision with respect to the project if such a decision can be expected to result <br />in any benefit or remuneration, such as a royalty, commission, contract, contingent fee, <br />brokerage fee, dividend, or other benefits or income to him/her or any member of his/her <br />immediate family. <br />B. Partisan Political Activity Prohibited: None of the fiords, materials, property, or services <br />provided directly or indirectly tinder this grant shall be used for any partisan political <br />activity, to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office, or for publicity <br />or propaganda purposes designed to support or to defeat legislation pending before any <br />legislative body, or a referendum or other matter before the electorake. <br />VIII. Products/Income from Grants <br />A. Copyrights: Where activities supported by this grant produce original books, films, <br />computer programs or other copyrightable material, the Grantee may copyright such, but the <br />NCDOCC.IPP preserves aroyalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, <br />publish, and use such materials, and to authori2e others to do so Any royalties received <br />from copyrights and patents during the grant period shall be retained by the Grantee and <br />incorporated into the grant budget. <br />B. Publications: The Grantee may publish, at its own expense, the results of grant activity <br />tivithout prior review by the NCDOCCJPP provided that any publication (written, oral, or <br />visual) contains an acknowledgment of the NCDOCCJPP support and disclosure of the cost <br />of each copy of the publication. The cost disclosure shall state the total number of pieces <br />published and the cost of each. At least one copy of any such publication must be <br />furnished to the NCDOCCJPP, except as otherwise requested and approved. <br />Page 10---July 1, 200 to June 30, 2006 <br />