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<br />Council Member Strom asked about the plan and fiscal source for cleaning up the <br />hazardous waste site. Peter Reinhart, UNC Director of ];nvironment, Health and Safety, <br />replied that the University had a $10.5 million funding plan with the Department of <br />F,nvironment and Nahnal Resources for cleaning up the site over an eight-year period. <br />Mayor Foy asked when that would begin. Mr. Reinhart said that it had become effective <br />on Tanuary 9, 2004, and that UNC had already Uegun the work. <br />Council Member Ward clarified that the funding was not in any way connected with <br />development at Carolina North. <br />Mayor Foy inquired about the work that had Uegun. Mr. Reinhart explained that the first <br />step was a remedial investigation report. Mayor Foy asked how they laiew that it was an <br />eight-year cleanup. Mr. Reinhart replied that State law requires that it be cleaned up <br />within eight years and that they had Ueaten similar deadlines. The State gives UNC tluee <br />years to complete the remedial investigation report, but UNC expects to complete it in <br />one ,year, Mr. Reinhart said. <br />Mayor Foy asked when UNC estimated beginning the acriral physical stage of the <br />cleanup. Mr. Reinhart replied that some additional ground water monitoring wells might <br />be in place Uy the end of the year and that groundwater cleanup would Uegin next year, <br />Source remediation would Ue tlaee or four years out, Mr. Reinhart said, adding that the <br />next step would involve source removal. <br />Council Member Ward asked if there would be restrictions on use of that land and the <br />monitoring wells after the eight years. Mr, Reinhart replied that it was hard to say now <br />what restrictions might be at the site. But the monitoring wells should not interfere with <br />any activity on the surface, he said. Council Member Ward verified that the public would <br />be involved at every stage of the process. Mr. Reinhart said that the public could contact <br />him at 843-591.3 or at <br />Council Member Strom asked how much had already been invested in the planning <br />process and what was the source of those fiords. Mr. Waldrop said that he was not <br />prepared to answer that tonight. Council Member Strom asked if those were public <br />documents. Mr. Waldrop said that he did not know.. <br />Mayor Foy asked Town Manager Cal Horton if the Town would follow up and get <br />further answers from UNC to some of the questions that Council members were asking.. <br />Mr. Horton replied that UNC had indicted they would provide additional infornlation. <br />He offered to provide a transcript of tonight's questions to UNC if the Council wished, <br />and Mayor Foy recommended doing that. <br />Mr, Firstenberg displayed drawings of Carolina North and described the gateway <br />entrance, main drive, points of ingress and egress, relationship to Airport Drive, and the <br />main road from Carrboro. He explained that Phase I represented a little more than one <br />million square feet of development, including 700,000 square feet of office, lab and <br />