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<br />Mr. Waldrop commented that UNC had continued to succeed and grow, and did not have <br />empty buildings but was crunched for space on its main campus. He described Carolina <br />North as a plan to expand LTNC at one location rather than taking a helter-skelter <br />approach. Mr. Waldrop stressed the difference between a research park and an academic <br />campus of a university.. <br />Council Member Kleinschmidt asked Mr. Waldrop to point out the difference between <br />what UNC was proposing and a research park. Mr. Waldrop explained that the FPG <br />Child Development Institute was not something that one would find in a typical research <br />park. Council Member Ward asked for more information about the students who would <br />be at Carolina North. Mr. Waldrop said that UNC did not plan to move the classroom <br />education of undergraduates. But there would likely be a substantial number of <br />undergraduate students involved in research project and internships, he said, and there <br />would be many graduate and post-doctoral students. <br />Mr. Waldrop noted the Horace Williams property on a map and pointed out the <br />sunounding neighborhoods. He said that LTNC wanted to work with the connnunity to <br />make Carolina North the best possible plan. <br />Council Member Greene asked fora further expansion of what "redefining our <br />engagement with the connnunity, the region, the State, and the world" meant, pointing <br />out that "community" had been omitted from the slide.. Council Member Greene also <br />asked Mr. Waldrop to discuss the Horace Williams Committee's report and to comment <br />on how seriously UNC intended to take it. It would be nice if UNC would acknowledge <br />that report when it makes presentations, she remarked, noting that the I-Iorace Williams <br />Citizens Committee had worked for more than a year and had developed a great deal of <br />thoughtful work. <br />Mr. Waldrop noted that earlier speakers had discussed things that UNC wanted with <br />regard to training and furthering education regarding community issues. He said he <br />would address the Horace Williats Committee's report later in his presentation. Mr. <br />Waldrop then displayed a map of nearby roads. <br />Mayor Foy inquired about the development's odd shape, and asked if a road. going <br />straight tlu-ough had been part of the plan. Mr. Waldrop did not know. Mr. Waldrop <br />discussed the railroad track and Bolin Creek, and reviewed the timeline for creating the <br />draft plan. He stated that UNC was looking at the Horace Williams Committee's report, <br />and had discovered differences as well as overlaps and similarities.. <br />Council Member Kleinschmidt asked if UNC planned to discuss the areas that did not <br />overlap. Mr. Waldrop replied that he was not prepared to do that tonight. Council <br />Member Kleinschmidt pointed out that a great deal of thoughtful analysis had gone into <br />that report by people with expertise. He suggested that UNC say so if there are areas <br />where it disagrees. Mr. Waldrop replied that he was not ignoring the report. He thanked <br />Council Member Kleinschmidt for the suggestion, "So, will we hear something or not?" <br />Council Member Kleinschmidt asked. Mr. Waldrop replied that he would respond if that <br />